MY Overland Expedition Adventure Camper Trailer Design


Pcampbell It’s fantastic that you have shared your designs of your trailer. Your design was one of the ones that really motivated me to create the modified Chalet Arrow tghat my family now greatly enjoys. Thanks again.





Very interesting idea. Are you going to have a rubber boot between the tent floor and the trailer area or try to mount the tent directly on the trailer? Also consider the tent is pretty heavy and you are cutting away the lower supporting side when it is closed. A lot of the weight is probably the floor (which you are removing a lot of) but just something to consider.

It's like a poor man's flip-pac. I like it.


Pcampbell; Wish you would get busy. I'm itchin to go camping. I'd still prefer mine in black, but would settle on Expo white. Let me know when it's ready.

Not trying to hijack your trailer thread...

Royp; I like your idea. I've been mind-planning a trailer design myself. A RTT won't work for me, the wife, and the dog(s), but with the RTT converted to a sleeping area only, with head room for sitting at the table, and room for the dogs on the 'floor' of the trailer, something like that might work. Thanks for the idea. How would you seal up around the big hole cut in the tent floor while traveling?


Very cool I will be watching this.... 2x3 for the frame may be a bit on the light side, I would go at least 2x4 for the main frame.


You know it. I'll even help you build yours too.

What are we making this mock-up out of ? Will it be a scale model, or real size, made out of cardboard or something? I'm confused.


full size mock up. Probably wafer board or similar. Something cheap just to play with ideas. There is something to be said for actually seeing it full size and getting a feeling for how it fits.


Wow, I can't believe it's been five years since I posted the original message! Sadly, no, I never have built this. I actually drug it all back out several months ago and started tinkering with ideas again. I still plan to, but as one other pointed out, life does have a way of getting in the way.


I am starting to realize that if you spend to much time planning how to do something right you may never end up doing it.

New theory is to do more and plan less. Things don't always come out perfect and I can usually list a few things I would have liked to do differently before I am even finished.... But the result is done and useable.


I am starting to realize that if you spend to much time planning how to do something right you may never end up doing it.

New theory is to do more and plan less. Things don't always come out perfect and I can usually list a few things I would have liked to do differently before I am even finished.... But the result is done and useable.

I agree...unfortunately the barriers weren't as simple as "put down the pen and do something".


Only issue with that, is when it comes time to use it, it's not like you can do so quietly, as you have to haul it to/from the camper to the front. But otherwise looks amazing!!

It would normally be in the toilet/shower tent when camp is set up.

Alternatively, getting it mounted inside where it would slide out from the side or under the bed wouldn't be impossible with a little redesign.

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