Yeah, you got me on the gearing. (4.377's?!) Engine cost 3900 and how much for shipping, duties and brokerage? I'm guessing 5k on your doorstep as Kentucky is a ways from BC. Browsing over the post I see pics of plywood floors...
My engine has a whooping 85 and of course the 56 has more depending on intercooler or not....
Looking over multiple sites that you're on I see you're searching for all sorts of little parts like power steering braket, etc....
Again, I have lots of this stuff as I have yet to complete a swap and joined this forum with brotherhood in mind, not making fun of you.
I think a lot of people could benefit from this post, but by saying it cost 3900 bucks is misleading. It's far from a bolt in swap into a fuel injected mazda and a lot of that info has been ommitted. Trust me on this one: I have a nearly mint mazda pickup as well that I've been eye balling this sway for, but up untill the last year and a half, the Hyundai engine hasn't been readily available.