My SAS Mazda B2600 Diesel Expedition project


Cool! So the transaction went smooth?

Have you seen any articals on doing this swap? I can't find much at all. I'd still like to see what's involved in putting one in my 2600i.


Thanks for the links, those are great. I also found a place in CA that sells brand new crate 4D56's.
Looks like I'll just need the B2600 bell housing and motor mounts?


I hope thats not Perez? They were very shady when I dealt with them. I do have an extra Bell housing and a set of mounts both taken off a 1988. I forgot the bell housing was removable. I think you need the Oil pan also. I'm learning as I go, I just got my Oil pump Pickup modified for the 1988 pan, its a funky shape.

I was just looking over this thread and I realized the custom bumper Ad I called on CL was the same guy who did yours, its actually your bumper in the Ad pics.

Thanks for the links, those are great. I also found a place in CA that sells brand new crate 4D56's.
Looks like I'll just need the B2600 bell housing and motor mounts?
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Yes actually it is Perez. What was shady about them?

I may just take you up on the bell housing and mounts! The other thing that I'm concearned about is finding the electronics for the glow plug system.

Is the bell housing from the 88 for a hydrolic clutch?

I haven't seen that CL add for the bumper, I'll search and see if I can find it. If I would have known he was going to use the pics, I would have took better ones. :sombrero: What state are you in?
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The glow plugs can be set up on a momentary switch, I saw an article on that somewhere also. Some of the Rover guys do it this way.
As far as the guys at Perez, they acted liked they were doing me a favor and they were tough to get a strait answer out of.

The clutch is hydraulic.
And I'm in NY


Thanks again for all the help, I can't wait to get started on this build! :wings:

I ran across a guy last night that did this swap into his B2600, I have a link to his pics if you want it.


That link would be great.
I'll being doing mine for the next month, then my work force (students) take summer break for two months, and it will have to sit.


Great Pictures, I think I actually have his email somewhere. We really should start a B2600 Diesel build thread.
I just got my oil pickup back from the welder, its a bit different.
My engine is a bit latter model. My dip stick goes through the engine as opposed to outside of it.
I was also confused when I saw engine in with the original oil pan? Then later you see him swap it out for the 1988 b2600 pan. I also had to do the same 2 mods on the pan. The oil return hookup, and I cut the dip stick off and sealed that up as well.
I'll take some pics on Monday.


Engine mounts

I realized from looking at those pictures that the newer style engine mounts are a bit different than the old school ones that were on the tan engine in the pics. I pulled the mounts off the 1988 gas motors block and the bolts don't match up. I do think that the mounts on the engine(4D56T) will work work using part of the Gas engine mount and a few welds. I'll take some pics today.

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