My Wandering Soul

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Ruined Adventures

Brenton Cooper
All I wanted to do was share my experience on this new journey. I never asked for help nor did I really want it. I wanted to prove myself to my family, friends, and detractors. I still plan to do and make right with everyone who has helped me.
Not that anyone who's helped so far is asking for you to "make right" with everyone...

But since you sound determined to anyways (which I fully respect), I feel the best way for you to do that would be to keep telling your story, share as many pictures as you can, enjoy your journey and then write the best dang trip report anyone on Expo has ever seen! :sombrero: I'm sure one day, you'll meet someone in the same shoes and you'll be able to pay it forward.

Enjoy the journey :smiley_drive:
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This is a amazing story.YOU ARE ON a adventure.My wife always says 'Things happen for a reason.' You have a destination. Go to it.In a way I envy you.Keep on kicking.


Hey Bud,
If you still need a camera, I've got an extra one that I don't use anymore. Older model but in good condition and 5 megapixels. Shoot me a pm and I will overnight it to you.



Expedition Leader
Bon voyage, Phil!

I don't see this ending up well. No offence to the OP but he is all over the place mentally and this whole thing just seems poorly thought out. The vehicle doesn't seem fit to take a cross town trip in much less cross country. It's inevitably going to die on this trip and he has no ability or money to fix it.

Don't rain on Phil's parade -- the best adventures and the best friendships are found when what you've got won't get you where you hoped.


Phil, I admire your intellectual honesty and tenacity.

I wish you the best of luck in your epic journey of self-discovery.

As well, I have a shop/towing company in Corpus Christi, Tx. I also have a 7500 sq foot shop with welders, jacks, engine hoists and a whole slew of other tools, you all get down this way and need anything feel free to get in touch with me, I will pm you my number.

I was born and raised in Montana, it is a beautiful place.

Keep us posted - Nick


New member
I knew I would get flamed for this comment but I still stand by it. When I look at the trip report from Frederik and his wife through the congo I see this exemplified. I don't in this case though. This isn't a deal where there's a possibility of failure. The guy has no money and a truck thats on it's last leg that he's trying to drive/pull/push accross country. At some point a failure is going to occur and he's going to be in a mess. I'm not bashing him for taking a chance and heading somewhere new for a job opportunity. I just think he's at a serious turning point in his life where he's obviously trying to turn a new leaf and get things together. I think the whole idea of making an adventure out of it while it may seem grand is short sited and will just cause more stress and problems for someone who clearly doesn't need it.

If I've read correctly, he has someone to pull him to Texas with a competent tow rig, work set up when he gets there, along with places/people to get his own rig running properly again. Sounds to me like it'll work out just fine.

Good Luck, have a great trip, :victory:
If I've read correctly, he has someone to pull him to Texas with a competent tow rig, work set up when he gets there, along with places/people to get his own rig running properly again. Sounds to me like it'll work out just fine.

Good Luck, have a great trip, :victory:

That was correct until this morning. Looks like I have some bigger problems now. I will know better later tonight and will update everyone on what's going on.


I don’t know If I should feel bad or just plain old envy you and your ability to just get away and say #*@! It. Not every person deals with pain and life circumstances with the sense of survival and the ability to start a new life by way of travel. This adventure you are on many people will be envious of. A lot of people don’t have the balls to start a new life in this way. It just might give you the ability to tackle anything in the future. This world we live in today has uncertainty at every turn, with that being said you might start a new following of people that are down on their luck and change some lives along the way. This may give someone on the fence a jump start to figure things out. I think you will be happier with this new found ability to move on and put all of the past behind you. Hats off to you my Brother, safe travel. I will PM my cell number if you ever want to chew the fat. Good luck….


That was correct until this morning. Looks like I have some bigger problems now. I will know better later tonight and will update everyone on what's going on.

If it is true that what does not kill us makes us stronger, you will be "Hulk Hogan" by the time this is through. Or maybe Rocky Balboa...:sombrero:

[ame=""]Rocky Balboa...[/ame]

(Meant in the most positive light possible...:) )


Everyone can think what they want. Consider me an idiot, but I know what I needed when I first started this adventure and I stand by my decision. There is only one person in my life who knows everything that has happened and that is my wife. No one will get that personal with me and I will not talk about everything in a forum. There is a reason for this and when you don't know everything please don't question my mental state.

All I wanted to do was share my experience on this new journey. I never asked for help nor did I really want it. I wanted to prove myself to my family, friends, and detractors. I still plan to do and make right with everyone who has helped me.

Hey Phil,
If you feel you need to prove something, prove it to yourself. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone.

Try not to worry about what others may or may not believe you can do. You have a loving wife to stand by you and a wealth of friends to listen when you need to be heard.

Bon voyage and keep us as updated as you wish.
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