My Wandering Soul

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Appalachian Ridgerunner
Are you really only in Virginia or is your Spot a few days off?

I wondered the same thing when the Spot notice showed up.

Phil if you need anything jim65wagon is about 20 miles from where your Spot places you. I can give him a call for you if needed or if you can't raise him by PM.

I'm almost 99% sure he doesn't have a shrine built in your honor. :sombrero:
Best laid plans

Sometimes your best laid plans turn out to be nothing of the sort. A little over a week after setting up “camp” at JerryYukons house, working out a tow set up, and helping Jerry prepare for his trip, I came to the realization that I really did need to do this trip on my own. There was something thing deep down in my gut telling me that the plan we had set up was not the best option. Upon discussing this with Jerry, we both came to the conclusion that it would make more sense to go on my own instead of dealing with the last minute prep work to get Jerry ready on the road.

Very early Tuesday morning I got to work repairing the Cruiser for the road. That was until I started the Cruiser up and white smoke filled the air for a good fifteen minutes with several stalls. My new found hope had been dashed, but this was part of the journey and I needed to adapt again. For a while there I thought I would have to head back to CT. I then remembered Dan (Klierslc), a member on ExPo, offered to look over the Cruiser. A few phone calls later and I was on my way to Quantico about 60 miles East of Front Royal. It was at this time that the Cruiser started to run normal again.

After arriving at base, Dan wasted no time digging into the issues. A few hours of work and new found knowledge “we” had changed the spark plugs, replaced the PCV Valve, flushed the coolant and added stop leak, diagnosed a bad ECM, performed the coolant temperature gauge mod, and found out that the transmission at this time is not throwing codes. The rear main seal is leaking and most likely the head gasket. There is also a leak somewhere in the front of the engine.

Test driving the Cruiser showed no signs of smoke and it was running well. That said, the engine is ready to be rebuilt or replaced. Thankfully the past week I have been well fed and tonight was no different. I thank Dan and his wife from the bottom of my heart for the help and welcoming me into their already busy home. Tomorrow I head to Tennessee where I will most likely be stopping just outside the Smokies. Due to the condition of the Cruiser I am no longer site seeing, instead I am heading straight to northern AZ. I should be arriving around Monday.

I had originally thought my soul searching journey would be about the wonderful sights I had planned to see. That has not been the case. Instead, the people I have encountered and who have helped me on ExPo, have been what has made me look deep down inside to find out who I really am.

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the philster.......philarama, philerwithoil..........


I will plan to see you at the expo!



well man good on ya, glad you got it going well enough to make it to AZ.

By the way, if I havent told you yet, I grew up in Montana about 55 miles north of yellowstone, its beautiful country you are going to love it.


New member
good luck man. you're doing the right thing. Back 2003 My wife and I did the same thing. Sick of Minnesota and our crappy jobs, we sold everything we owned that didnt fit in a 2 door Caviler, dismissed the nay sayers, quit our jobs and headed to Florida. Why Florida?, Why Not? The only thing that was already set for us there was our apartment. It was hard, Stressful, and we had some setbacks. I would do it all over again!

So..... Ignore the Nay sayers, dont be too proud for help and enjoy the ride. I figured if birth wasnt easy.. Why should RE-birth be any diffrent.


Good Luck Phil, you have a great attitude with everything you have encountered. If your travels take you through Cincinnati for whatever reason, shoot me PM.


16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Hey Phil, just catching up now / not on Expo too much these days but nice to see this thread. I hope you have an awesome trip and sorry to hear about the oil consumption/loss. Lord knows many of have been there before... 1st, totally sending money as well.. 2nd, KliersLC who posted in your other thread (possibly this one). I bought his rolled 80 several years ago and I gladly sold the engine with 175K miles for $500 (a good deal in my eyes). This is the easiest of all LC engines to swap because the of plug and play harnesses. It seriously takes a little longer than a day (8 hours). If you have the funds and the consumption gets bad (not necessarily the leaks, just the consumption) gets bad then this might be a good way to go. might have some folks parting out an older 80 series. Me and my current or former shop mates have parted out two 80s in the last 5 years. 3rd, might be long term but definitely shoot me your resume to andreshoumatoff at gmail. It took me a couple years to even get on my feet as well, but we are currently hiring for about 5 positions for a company that owns Facebook-like communities for health related conditions. Great place to work... This would be in Salt Lake City (not a bad place to live at all, says this kid from Westchester County once upon a time). If you make it through Carrie and I would be happy to have you...

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16 Years on ExPo. Whoa!!
Reading your thread... You and Dan hooked up! Awesome...

I bet he mentioned, "you know, I had a rolled 80 once upon a time with a good engine... " :)


Just stumbled onto this thread and all I can say is...WOW. That takes cajones to pull the trigger on a move like that. Props to you Phil. Best of luck to you!:)


Watch out for your oil getting milky with the bad head gasket. Don't suppose it much matters now. Sure hope you get to point B and to your final destination. I'm sure you will, one way or another.
Montana. I'm jealous.

Hope your gut is right.

Fate is my shepherd.

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