My Westfalia Syncro!


Expedition Leader
Awwwwwh...lotta good machine, good sweat, and good times. Sorry Christian. Hope nobody was hurt.


Rendezvous Conspirator
Holy carp.

Would love to hear a discussion of cause, once it's not too painful. That is truly a great loss - hope you get made whole soon!


New member
Christian, just saw this on The Samba. That describes the relationship so many of us have with our vans. You have all my sympathy man! That is a huge loss. Most of my nightmares involve losing my Syncro somehow. I feel your pain, as do many in this community. Lots of people here will be curious to hear what caused this, once you know.
Now it's time to hunt down another one!
Miguel Pacheco in Durango, Co.
91 Syncro AW SVX


Some sort of lost...
Oh man that is terrible!
I owned an 86 syncro for a little over a year and it was a blast, created many memories in that short time. When I sold it, it was the only time I actually cried after selling a vehicle. I was just too broke to give it the attention that it needed.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
thanks guys - it's a bit hard to admit, but I did's kind of crazy but it really was like a family member after all these years together.

my bet would be the fuel rail started leaking/spraying fuel after the winter in storage. my father started it and let it warm up (in the huge barn). when he came back the Syncro was in fire, but still running. he drove it outside and came back to save the barn, but it was too late for the Syncro.


Oh man sorry to hear this! You're Westy, and advice from you were inspirational while searching for a vehicle to take us to South America. Ours is getting it's own heart transplant right now in Boulder, and we hop to hit the road this Summer. Thanks for all of your advice, both about Syncros and travel. Sorry for your loss man.-Colin


Very, very sorry to hear about your Syncro. The Farewell Letter was extremely moving, and it also made me pretty sad to hear how much it meant to you & your family. I've ALWAYS loved Vanagons (all VW vans for that matter), and this story, and the photos of your van, made me want one more than ever. Glad nobody was hurt physically, sorry about the mental anguish though.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Well, at least there is some consolation. The insurance company has agreed to pay the full assessed value - $35k.
I also managed to keep the remaining. Maybe I can salvage a few things - we'll see when I get there in June.

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