So I got the truck back right before Eid started, but with other stuff on the agenda hadn't had too much chance to try it out. I doubt I'll really give her much intended use till the weather cools a bit, so a few months, but the initial impression is positive.
-The ride is not as 'soft' as with the EAS that's for sure, you can feel the road's imperfections and such a bit more. Its not a drastic change mind you, just noticeable.
-I would also say that because it is a bit stiffer it also feels tighter on the curves and such, I always felt like the truck would wallow just a bit given how heavy she was but with it stiffened up like this that no longer seems to be the case.
Install appears very clean (not that I did any work, but the mechanic was impressed with the whole setup).
What is unresolved is the ECU flash unit doesn't appear to have worked its magic but that could be error on my part-i.e. the suspension fault light is still on (I am not going to hardwire till I get back to CONUS and can do my own work and have alt vehicles) but so is the scrolling error messages associated with the suspension rising slowly and such that the flash was supposed to remove. Ironic since it is also yelling at me that the truck is in extended mode. I am going to play around with it and have an email into AB about the matter, but I could be off base since all the terrain response and such still functions. I also have a set of rods coming from L8 if but for no other reason than to stop one of the scrolling messages.
I love the stance.