camper roof storage
re roof storage on the Nlite (or other fiberglass TC), i would not load anything heavy directly on the fiberglass. It will risk hairline cracks in the gelcoat.
Nlite sells a roof rack that bolts through the camper ($400?). Better to load up that instead but try to keep COG low. may be better to rig a custom rear carrier off the tow hitch or use a frt carrier that mounts at the towhooks.
re front bumper, i never was a fan of giant/heavy front bumpers. Honestly, i don't plan on banging into things
w/ a camper on a full-size rig.. the stock bumper will be just fine and look better IMO.
i do plan on adding a frt winch (one of the main motivations for aftermarket bumpers) which i plan on mounting upside down on a custom bed-plate without moving out or replacing the stock bumper (the 05+ fords have ample room behind the valence)
re dual alternators, + line to camper (~10 guage) cannot handle anything greater than a single HO alt can provide. Duels were more probs than it was worth (besides, most on lots or used have single HO).
re larger capacity wheels and tires, you will be hard pressed to find higher rated wheels than the stock 05+ alcoa forged wheels. most aftermarket wheels are lug-centric (made for looks not for load capacity). Most e-rated rubber will make you happy.
re front and rear lockers, between 4wd and winch i hope not to need this. ARb makes one for f350, but its lots of air lines; stuff to break. eaton has a new elocker, but not sure of longevity. detroit has a non-selectable.. may affect drive characteristics around corner in city driving. my advice is hold off on this till u really feel you need it.
re long/short bed, for 3+ fam u want a CC. a CC LB is long long long (esp as DD). I started a thread here on this some time ago.
if you go SRW, 9' (typ 9'-6") is max safe len for TC IMO. diff between 8 (type 8'-11") and 9' is typ a closet. i was cool w/out the extra closet and was able to go SB 8' (better breakover and great DD). Key is the overhang. Lance 845, for example has lots o overhang (not good). NLite, bigfoot (for example), have high overhang.
re hardside v. popup, its nice to have the camper avail all the times at full height w/out having to pop it up. its warmer also but suffers from higher COG. you can find some light hardsides w/ ~= weight as good popup w/ biggest diff then being COG which you will notice on off camber roads, but hardly at all when flat. has the best forum for rv's
good luck w/ your decision.
my rig:
SWB F350 4x4, Nlite 8-11Q, airbags, torklift frame-mounted w/ long-arm fastguns, etc.
no probs whatsoever w/ the truck/camper (and i have boonie-bashed it). Perf for small family.
soon to be added:
- 2.5" leveling kit (any more is too high IMO)
- winch
- amp retractable steps
- 295/75 toyos (fits oem wheels, huge load capacity)