Holy Crap! I've been digging over all the RTT's out there to put on my trailer, yet still be able to haul my kayaks to and from camp. I was dead set on the ARB Simpson III RTT as of last night due to the over hang over the ladder. But, which way to mount it on my trailer has be befuddled. Been drawing a million chicken scratches of the best way to mount this silly thing to where I can take advantage of the ladder over hang, yet not be so high that it is a wind catcher while pulling behind my Taco.
Then, I woke up this morning and found the Eezi Awn Globe Trotter. Perfect! This fits the bill, would be easy to mount, and has an awning and changing room included. However the cost was nearly twice the ARB unit.
Wife wakes up and wonders in the living room where I am perched on my Lazy Boy chair with laptop buzzing about 10 different browser windows open. Took all of 5 minutes to justify the cost vs. easy adaption to my trailer.
But wait!!!!!!!! :Wow1:
I remember talking myself out of the Autohome units early on when I was trying to get a RTT for under $1000. Now that I have talked myself into spending more to get more, and the wife is completely on board, I decided to head back to Autohome to take a look see at what would fit my trailer.
Oooh the Columbus would work. But a bit tall when opened if I put it up on top of my racks.
Trip and stumbled upon the Maggiolina Airtop (medium). This is where "Holy Crap" applies! Dang this couldn't be get any better! Price is on par with what I was willing to pay for the Eezi Awn, but this is lighter, and will fit even better to my trailer. In fact it won't have to be installed on the racks at all. I can now build a hinged deck for the trailer and mount the Maggy Airtop right on it, and the rack uprights easily go on the outside of this. Thus my kayaks can be carried above the Maggy. The hinged deck will also work as security for the trailer contents, as well as weather cover.
Just so happens that when I built the trailer last spring, I just Willy Nilly'd the size so it wasn't too small behind my 1 ton, and not too wide behind my Taco. The gap between my rack uprights is a tad over 59" and the length of the box is 83". Is this not about the perfect size for the 57" wide x 83" long Maggy Airtop to be mounted deck high below my kayaks? The kayak rack is adjustable up and down so I can lower everything down low during towing, and lift everything up while parked. :victory:
"Giddy" is about all I can say I am right now. Killing multiple birds with one awesome stone.
Here is a few pics of my trailer, BTW.