High teens highway in F150?
to get High teens in my 3.73 HD expedition I need to be doing 85-90mph or towing a trailer.
The bronco is a rolling square brick has always got terrible mileage. When I took my uncle’s 85 ish 351 v8 bronco it did 6-8mpg with top cruise speed of 70ish.
The modern bronco has 2x the power ?? and still easily does double the 6-8mpg the old bronco got.
oh and even the old bronco was a lousy tow rig. Too short, tail wagged the dog lots if you tried to tow stuff the pickups towed.
Meh, 17mpg at 75 in a 19.5 old 195k mile truck is fine by me. Better than an Expedition of the same year lol. Expy isn't even on my radar, I am thinking about maintaining my high teens and going 3/4 ton next time actually. Bronco is for my wife and is basically going to be the rural family car that hopefully doesn't keep getting stuck in snow like her current AWD Edge. Plus she can convoy with my on my offroading trips since the seat to butt ratio isn't so great with my Ranger anymore now that we have a kid.
IMO a lot of the Broncos problem is the gearing not it's brickesque look. It really isn't that square in person. There is a lot of curves in the bow and even windshield.
I think it is outer banks that has a tire/gear option similar to the ranger... and it is rated about the same as the Ranger. But you can't get automatic 4wd with that configuration for whatever reason though.
I really wish they would let a guy actually pick his ratio like they do in trucks. I would be perfectly content with 3.73's and 32's if it got me an extra 4mpg.
Granted this is just a rating and real world results are still far and few between, it is unlikely however possible that the test RPM hits certain ratio/tire combos at less than ideal RPM or something.
For towing at least the 4dr is not that really that short. It is an inch and change different than my '85 (rated to tow a thousand pounds more on a third the power, a rubber band A4LD and narrower track width) A shorter Defender is rated over twice as much while having around a ton for payload capacity. Ford's own Everest which is related to the Ranger/Bronco is even rated to tow almost 7k.
The carcass itself shouldn't be an issue, they just need to redo the suspension... maybe after they get done redoing the hardtops.