Tail-End Charlie
By the way, they are truck nuts, not truck balls. At least that’s what the packaging mine came in said.
Okay, that almost made me spew coffee.
Truck Nuts. I stand corrected.
By the way, they are truck nuts, not truck balls. At least that’s what the packaging mine came in said.
x2 It needs the whole "evil look", along with red halo headlights. Then it would be "SEMA rig" worthy. :beer:
Thanks for all of the feedback so far! In response to some suggestions, here is an updated version with halo lights and a steel mesh background.
:Wow1: Really? That's what you got from all of this? LOL
Re: ver 2.0
Bruh - ya' nailed it!
Launch a pre-sale now. First 25 orders get a free vape pen and monster energy sticker.
May I chime in?...
If you have the tallent and equipment to make the grill then may I suggest a stock looking grille but with the option of a light bar, say 20"?......
I have been looking for something like this for years now, I have found that I'm either stuck with cutting the grill and installing a mesh lannel fitted with a led bar or installing vertical bars which I'm not sure how that would work.
Just my .02
Have a good one!.....
Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk
Is this what you mean? http://www.cliffride.com/product/holcomb-light-bar-grille/
Or, you could install Multipod LEDs in the slats, they're small enough to fit in the slats.
This image is a quick photo-edit to simulate what it might look like:
That's exactly what I was looking for!.
Although I also really like your idea, I'm sure the OP won't mind a threadjack, do you have any more information on the small lights?