New Four Wheel UTE Flat Bed Model Coming Soon ...


Hello TenaciousTJ

You wrote:

<< Can I order the camper with the front overhang extended out, flush with the rest of the overhang? >>

No, unfortunately this is not available.

<< If I sourced my own windows, like those from GVX or XP Camper that have screens and shades built into them, can you guys install them? >>

No, we typically don't install customer supplied parts for many different reasons.

<< Can the UTE bed with sliding cargo drawer be used on the truck, or is there not sufficient room for it? >>

I looked on-line for pictures of this and could not find much. If you can find a flat bed (tray) that has under bed storage it will probably make the camper sit taller / higher on the truck increasing the center of gravity. It might be best to stick with a standard flat bed and have them build under bed storage boxes in front of and behind the wheels?

<< Can FWC have the lock keyed to use the same key as the vehicle's ignition key? If not, is the lock one where a local locksmith could rekey it? >>

No, I don't think this would be possible. Camper door keys are quite a bit different that truck keys these days.

<< If I were to pull into a campground with paid sites, can the camper hook into the available campground water supply and use that water for showers, etc, instead of using the campers 20 gallon water supply? >>

Sure, that is easy. The camper will come set up for hooking into campsite power and water.

<< I think that's it for now. I'd love to come down to Woodland again and check out a Fleet UTE camper if you have one available to look at >>

We have a Hawk Model Flat Bed Camper in the showroom now, if you wanna stop by? This will be pretty close in sizing as the Fleet Flat Bed Model (just 5 inches narrow, but both have the same floor length).

Hope this helps.

Just sing out if you have any other questions.

Thank you.




Thanks for the detailed reply, Stan. I can live with most of the "no" answers here, but the front bed/overhang issue *might* be a deal breaker. I'm having trouble getting over the looks of it and I could've sworn earlier in the thread you mentioned it could be ordered with that front part extended out per customer's request. I know of 2 manufacturers currently that will built to suit, but man I really want a FWC. Please help a brotha out! I'm planning to come down to the showroom next month to take a look and maybe convince somebody to extend out that silly looking partial overhang thing. I'm willing to pay whatever extra for the additional storage space it provides.


New member
Please fix the overhang issue. I love the idea, and will be in the market in a couple years, but think the overhang makes the whole setup look terrible. Seems like a lot of wasted space for no good reason.


Supergringo, I fear our desperate pleas have fallen on deaf ears.... Stan, this would be a great topic for discussion at the next monthly company meeting!


What is the purpose of the split overhang? Is it just deeper storage near the edge of the bed?

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Stan. this thread has gone quiet since the issue of the front overhang has been mentioned by potential customers, once again. Just checking in to make sure there is a 100% chance the flat bed camper cannot be ordered with the front overhang issue fixed? I have emails back and forth with Jackson Hole FWC, a ton of photos, and camper measurements taking up space on my computer I'd like to delete so I can move on to my second choice in campers.


I agree the front overhang is ugly.

That being said, I wonder if the reason is simply that the overhang structure can't handle it? I've always wondered about the structural integrity of the FWC because of the thin aluminum. I assume that's why they never built (that I know of) a fully extended one, and there's always a slide out bed?

So.. maybe they are worried about too much weight too far forward? Imagine if someone loaded up the storage area with 200# of stuff. Then, two bigger people (say a 250# guy and a 170# woman) got on the bed. That would be like 620 pounds. Not sure it can handle it? Just a guess...........

I wonder why there is storage at all? Why not build the unit lower to the ground so the cabover doesn't have so much room below it. I guess it has to do with door height not fitting then.


I agree the front overhang is ugly.

That being said, I wonder if the reason is simply that the overhang structure can't handle it? I've always wondered about the structural integrity of the FWC because of the thin aluminum. I assume that's why they never built (that I know of) a fully extended one, and there's always a slide out bed?

So.. maybe they are worried about too much weight too far forward? Imagine if someone loaded up the storage area with 200# of stuff. Then, two bigger people (say a 250# guy and a 170# woman) got on the bed. That would be like 620 pounds. Not sure it can handle it? Just a guess...........

I wonder why there is storage at all? Why not build the unit lower to the ground so the cabover doesn't have so much room below it. I guess it has to do with door height not fitting then.
The reason they haven't made an extend overhang in the past is to keep a seamless bottom. It has nothing to do with strength. They're plenty strong. The design of the UTE cabover is a compromise that still provides a seamless overhang while providing North/South sleeping and storage under a portion of the bed.


The reason they haven't made an extend overhang in the past is to keep a seamless bottom. It has nothing to do with strength. They're plenty strong. The design of the UTE cabover is a compromise that still provides a seamless overhang while providing North/South sleeping and storage under a portion of the bed.

Are you sure about that?................


Are you sure about that?................
Yes. When I bought my camper, Tom, the owner, gave me a tour. I asked about N/S sleeping and an extended cabover versus making a longer slide. Sheet goods are 48" wide. If you notice how the UTE camper is built, each cabover section is no more than 48" so each section is one piece of wood.


Yes. When I bought my camper, Tom, the owner, gave me a tour. I asked about N/S sleeping and an extended cabover versus making a longer slide. Sheet goods are 48" wide. If you notice how the UTE camper is built, each cabover section is no more than 48" so each section is one piece of wood.

Can't exceed 48 inches? How do all the other camper manufacturers do it then? From the sounds of it, FWC can do anything to a camper you ask for, except for everything... which means nothing. No custom mods, custom windows, etc. It works..... for a while.... I know they have said in here they sell 300 campers or whatever each year (not sure on the #'s). But I've seen other businesses in the same boat before and eventually year after year sales slow down. I am saying this as a business owner myself not a consumer... gotta evolve or else you die.


We will talk about this week. Tom is open to the idea but we need to look at all options & challenges we could run in to. I dont think it will be too hard, but we need to see what the production team has to say. :)


Appreciate the reply, Stan. I don't even NEED the extra space under the bed that the extension could provide, I'd live with what's already under the bed for storage. I'd just like the outside to not look so funky. The storage would just be an added bonus, but again, not necessary....for me anyway.


Can't exceed 48 inches? How do all the other camper manufacturers do it then? From the sounds of it, FWC can do anything to a camper you ask for, except for everything... which means nothing. No custom mods, custom windows, etc. It works..... for a while.... I know they have said in here they sell 300 campers or whatever each year (not sure on the #'s). But I've seen other businesses in the same boat before and eventually year after year sales slow down. I am saying this as a business owner myself not a consumer... gotta evolve or else you die.

I am thinking that the reason FWC is as successful as it is, is because it limits the custom work. They make a point of mastering the current layout. Be careful what you wish for. Many of the companies that do custom work do not produce reliable or effective designs. Fancy colours, and gadgets, and bicycle streamers lead to problems in the field.

Kinda like askin my plumber to do carpentry.

I say good on FWC for doing what they do well ... and leaving the things they don't think they can do for the custom companies. I have taken my camper through hell and back. And it is a solid design.

Just sayin

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