New/old trailer build 1966 Apache Raven tent trailer

Expo Junkie

New member
Thanks for posting this up. I am in the process of getting a 1947 Higgins tent trailer. The body is really just an aluminum box but I think I can make something out of it. Wish it had body lines like yours though! Think I will be doing something along the same line as you. Any thing you would of done different so far?

Expedition Essentials

Active member
Thanks guys; glad you approve so far!

Expo junkie: Thanks and I hope to see your project soon, as far as things I would change, not yet. I think I am building this at a pace that allows me to make changes to my design before I get to it.


Height from ground?

Check banquet, catering or commercial kitchen supply sites. Maybe folding aluminum or plastic table legs. ??


I don't know if it would be possible but it might be cool if you could have an extendable, swing out support that was part of the frame. Similar to the trailer stabilizers people use, but upside down to hold the bunk.

GregB_00XJ has something like what I'm talking about in post #15 here


Again, might take some engineering, but it would be sturdy and well mounted.
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Expedition Essentials

Active member
I thought about going from the edge of the bunk to the frame and I think it would work ok as long as the trailer is stable. I was initially just going to extend the factory supports but they just seem to flimsy for me. I actually thought about making fold down jack screws using thread stock and .75 square tube. I guess now I need to decide if I want to go to the frame or the ground.


I think I need a bigger truck!
I agree with the bunk to tub/frame idea. Our 2009 Coachman Tent Trailer has queen sized beds on each end and they are held in place with a simple steel bar with one flattened out end that slips into a slot in the frame front and rear. The top of the tube is left round, and a steel plate with a pin stamped out of it slips into the top to keep it all in line, level and it works amazingly well for such a simple design. Handles lots of weight and if triangulated correctly does not allow side to side sway.


Sorry no close ups? Thanks for the mention on the swing down legs too TheTom, those took a lot of fussing to get them sorted. lol

Expedition Essentials

Active member
Been a while since I have made any updates or progress for that matter. Winter is back with a vengance here:for some reason I havent had the motivation to get out in the garage on these dreary miserable days. Go figure!

Did make a little progress, picked up an tounge jack and welded it on. Started on the frame for the wheel wells and picked up some shocks.

Really need to get my *** in gear if i'm gonna get this thing done this winter.


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