New to campers and surprised by the high prices. How come a camper is half the cost of a car?


Well-known member
2008 should have proved to everyone that lenders don't actually take any risks...
exactly, they never did
and on the money regarding the cOVID dole thing
we are even worse up here in NDP Land

and yes, bling just attracts trouble
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Old Tanker

Active member
This is a very valod point and I always asked myself what do they do when they need to hike the area where they are camped or see the city they are in in less rich countries where your vehicle stands out

If I were trying to be the gray man in a third world country, I think I'd pick whatever van the locals are used to seeing, and make the customizations inside and out of sight.


Maybe not our enemy anymore, but I do like their fashion sense



Well-known member
I am telling you ...someone must be either rich or nuts to spend 75k on that.

Even if I outsource most of the work I would still come ahead
At75k with half of the cost in labour it comes down to 234days at 20aud/h. That is 5-6 specialized trades at 46 days each working continously...that is RIDICULOUS. A t that pace you are producing no more than 8 of them per year.....that does not sound loke a business.

Sounds like you have found a way to make yourself rich.


Well-known member
Manufacturers benefit from that easily accessible cash too but to pay the interest, pay wages, WCB, overhead, lease a manufacturing facility, buy some liability insurance, purchase the tools to build that overland trailer with all the bells and whistles..... all done thru financing.... and make a healthy profit, they need the current retail price.

Healthy profit? What, I thought these business owners started a company, quit their old job, second mortgaged their home, risking it all to better their fellow man?

I still wonder how much of a health profit is being made by the average company owner in this industry? I have seen examples of companies making great products and charging what looks to be astronomical prices for their products go bankrupt when all indications as an outside indicated the owners are getting rich.


Finally in expo white.
Camping World is buying up all the other dealers and changing their techs from hourly to flat rate. There’s no way a tech will do as good a job when he’s constantly watching the clock hoping he’ll make enough hours to cover his bills that week.
Camping World’s CEO gets a bonus and the customer gets a worse product.


Healthy profit? What, I thought these business owners started a company, quit their old job, second mortgaged their home, risking it all to better their fellow man?

I still wonder how much of a health profit is being made by the average company owner in this industry? I have seen examples of companies making great products and charging what looks to be astronomical prices for their products go bankrupt when all indications as an outside indicated the owners are getting rich.

This is a pretty accurate assessment. It does seem that there have been a lot of new camper companies of late, and many aren't going to make it. My view as an outsider is that a lot of them are more interested and experienced in their instagram, facebook and 'brand development' efforts and less interested in design for manufacturability, supplier sourcing and inventory management, labor management, production schedules, outsourcing, post sales customer service and the other 'boring' parts of manufacturing. I think this is evident in the large number of flashy websites, videos and social media posts, and the relatively small number of on time product deliveries. When the current camper bubble pops, I do feel that there is going to be tremendous attrition in this segment.


I still wonder how much of a health profit is being made by the average company owner in this industry? I have seen examples of companies making great products and charging what looks to be astronomical prices for their products go bankrupt when all indications as an outside indicated the owners are getting rich.

Many people who start a small business are horrendous when it comes to money management.


Well-known member
Many people who start a small business are horrendous when it comes to money management.

I have worked for a large number of small startups run by hippies with sewing machines, The North Face and Patagonia for example and watched them go through growing pains as they became huge and had to figure out how to run a big company. One went bankrupt and the other had to restructure when they were already huge companies and household names.

As often happens a company or a rich professional can come in and buy a failed company restructure it to a professional successful company or resell it for a profit. I don't know if Overlanding is such an industry, where a big enough profit is there to make it worth the effort.


Well-known member
OP seems weirdly obsessed with money...things cost what they cost. As has been stated above, it is ridiculous to compare a mass-produced automobile to a built-to-order camper. If Toyota makes $5 on every vehicle they sell, they still make millions per year. If a small camper manufacturer makes $5 per unit they'll be lucky to make a couple hundred dollars per year. Claiming that everything is "overpriced" really just comes across as "jealous that I can't afford the camper I want"...

Your insistence that "DIY is always better - see I renovated my own bathroom!" is really just an expression of unacknowledged privilege - you clearly own a home with space to store tools\materials\etc and space to work. Not everyone has that (or wants that). Be careful with your "rich bashing" when you are fantastically wealthy compared with the vast majority of the world's population.

For many of us on this forum, the camper\truck\rig\whatever you want to call it, IS OUR HOME. Not much opportunity for DIY when you live out of a Tacoma and an "overpriced" camper. But hey, I'm out seeing the world now, not waiting "until I retire" in some arbitrary number of years determined by my corporate overseers - by which time I may well be dead.

Best of luck to you but let's try to be careful about calling people names because they make different spending decisions.



I don't know if Overlanding is such an industry, where a big enough profit is there to make it worth the effort.
No, much lower hanging fruit elsewhere.

Much too complex and uncertain for the P
private equity / hedge funds crowd, and no matter what, in the USA torts liability will always be the sword of Damocles hanging overhead.

To the point that I doubt the industry could ever produce a company that delivers both good build quality and long term sustainability, no matter the sales price.

Therefore, paying the price necessary to buy good build quality products from money-stupid founders is probably the best value, if you plan to use it a lot over decades.

Just do not expect the company to still be around down the road.
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OP seems weirdly obsessed with money...things cost what they cost. As has been stated above, it is ridiculous to compare a mass-produced automobile to a built-to-order camper. If Toyota makes $5 on every vehicle they sell, they still make millions per year. If a small camper manufacturer makes $5 per unit they'll be lucky to make a couple hundred dollars per year. Claiming that everything is "overpriced" really just comes across as "jealous that I can't afford the camper I want"...

Your insistence that "DIY is always better - see I renovated my own bathroom!" is really just an expression of unacknowledged privilege - you clearly own a home with space to store tools\materials\etc and space to work. Not everyone has that (or wants that). Be careful with your "rich bashing" when you are fantastically wealthy compared with the vast majority of the world's population.

For many of us on this forum, the camper\truck\rig\whatever you want to call it, IS OUR HOME. Not much opportunity for DIY when you live out of a Tacoma and an "overpriced" camper. But hey, I'm out seeing the world now, not waiting "until I retire" in some arbitrary number of years determined by my corporate overseers - by which time I may well be dead.

Best of luck to you but let's try to be careful about calling people names because they make different spending decisions.

You have a point and I had no intention to categorize the ppl who prefer to buy a camper instead of a house and to have no house at all
It is your option. Having house does not mean you are fantastically rich
As someone who lived in a communist country I am telling you that compared with other ppl you might be rich.
Some live in tents and others under the open sky so compared with those YOU are fantastically rich. How does that sound ?

Having the luxury to travel as much as you want makes you rich, others have no food on their plate for days.
We can stretch the discussion (to continue your flower power tone) as much as you like.
My comment was made in an average person context in a country that has a certain standard of living and where despite of the appearances, ppl have less money than they believe hence
my choice to encourage the wise spending of time and money and discourage wasting the same.

You are seeing the world now? I could not care less. If I wanted to walk in your shoes I could, at any moment.
Each one of us choses to give a meaning to his life according with our aspirations and with our understanding of life, society and of the human being and its needs.
I am convinced that the uncontacted tribes that are still out there and live off the land in Amazonia or wherever, are much more free than you are and in their understanding, happier then us.
So compared with them your life (and mine) sucks!! Deal with that if you can. How do you like the comparison?

We are living in a time when buying a home in a major city is extremely costly.
Of course some prefer to live in a camper rather that to live in zone where the houses still have acceptable prices
So if you put this expense (buying a camper) in that context then sure, it makes sense
If I was just fresh out of Uni today that is what I would do. And work remote. Or buy out of the big cities
Hopefully Musk and his satellites will make working remote possible everywhere ...

So if you want to make that extreme comparison be my guest but to do not count on my replies beyond this one because as I said you call me rich but you are richer than you think.
I might know a little bit more than you think about poverty and lack of food.
I certainly did not become rich as you see me, by traveling. So if you don't like the fact that I am rich compared with you either ignore it or work to become rich
You could be rich too if you let a corporation decide when you can see the world and travel and retire

If you pick up that side of the argument stay on it and don't jump back and forth.
I came to this country with 7K in my pocket and nothing else other than education which was the only thing you could get for free in my home country back then (and you still can)
So if you are unhappy that you live in a camper and if you need education go to one of the countries that still offer free education to average candidates, live there for a while and since you are younger you will be at the same starting point where I was years ago. Work from there
But if you are happy with the way you chose to live then don't compare yourself with me or others and don't victimize yourself because that was your decision
Don't call me rich because you decided to live the way you live. (which comes with pros and cons)

Of course you can expand the discussion and bring up all sort of extreme situations but I am talking about average ppl , 'obsessed' with money. This does not apply to free spirits, OK ?
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