Forking Icehole
Well?..... How is it going? Give us an update!
non-chlorinated brakleen works well.
NON-Whaaaat?????? Bite your tongue man, never touch the stuff! When I wants sumthang kleened, I wants it kleened! just kidding, I forget that some people live west of the sierras and aren't allowed to play with the good stuff! But for your use I imagine the non type doesn't affect plastic like the good old stuff!!
You guys have been very helpful. Honestly I don't know how people did these things before the internet, because I don't know anyone who works on cars. In fact, I'm "the guy" that works on cars! Obviously I'm very experienced!
Right now I'm at the in-laws, floating on the water, imagining that the suburban self healing at home right now. Actually the intake is back on, and it's almost together. I just need to pick up some more coolant.
I'll probably be able to get back at it Tuesday late night/Wednesday morning.
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Hell I just discovered in the middle of a time-sensitive project that I can't buy Mineral Spirits anymore (in L.A. County, might even be state-wide). And acetone-based cleaners wouldn't work, not without destroying previous work
Hands on is always the best way to learn even if it means you have to do it again, that's what learning is all about.
and letting the intake sit and the sealant to cure before adding coolant and starting it is exactly what the engine needs so good job!!
Happy 4th!!
That sucks man, I have never seen that kind of crap happen after doing an intake, what was the original reason for doing the intake?
Oil leak from intake and wanted to replace the spider injectors along with a tune up.
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Would cylinder 4 be the reason?
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