Apparently Toyota Cambridge & Woodstock Ont. plants are keeping the hourly's working on, for in-plant projects and training. Woodstock was in the process of ramping up the second shift for the Rav4 line.
I work for a parts supplier for Toyota. Our work ground to a halt at 2pm.
LOL... this is a new job for me.
I came from a parts supplier for GM and Ford. That gig went south before the depression hit. Our work was sent down to Mexico. The corp. filed for chapter 11, emerged, the Mexican plants took a $1hr concession from their $3 wage, workers became disgruntled and management quit (go figure!)... Now the work that was sent down there, is coming back to my former plant. Apparently based on our performance and quality... OMFG! what a waist of time and money, meanwhile 1/2 of the plant took a severance. There's going to be a lot of P.O. former employees, many of which are working ****ty jobs due to the economy. But thats the game we play.

So, now I'm on layoff from 2 jobs. :lurk:
No worries, once Toyota ramps up job #2 will be super busy, meanwhile job #1 will ramp up in April, I'll get my seniority back, holidays and pension.. 15yrs worth. Job #2, I have zero.
It's all timing. The industry is cyclical, in order to survive the auto worker has to roll with the punches. It's always been that way, that will never change.