North American Ramblings of a Perpetual Transient


Perpetual Transient
After looking forward to this trip most of the winter while traveling for work, I am just a few days out now from rolling out on two months of traveling. I don't have any real set itinerary other than some work related stops in Colorado and California. The plan load is to load up the Disco with camping, ski, mountain bike, climbing, and backpacking gear and enjoying a good mix of activities and seasons for that matter.:sombrero: first stop will be in Colorado for US National Alpine Championships in Winter Park followed by some ski bumming before heading west to Utah to enjoy some fat tire activities in red rock country. I will then work south and visit the north rim then, southern AZ, cross into Mexico and spend some time in Baja then back north to Cali, up the coast then crossing back through the north and ending back up in Marquette along the way.

I am a big lover of having a trip unfold a bit and evolve along the way and look forward to any suggestions folks might have and meeting up with fellow ExPo'ers along the way. I will use this thread as a way to blog about the adventures as the trip unfolds. It's not necessarily going to be an extreme expedition by any means but it is going to be a blast and as usual, I will be sharing a lot of photo content along the way. I had about 310 days away from home last year traveling for work and play and am looking to out do that again this year!:victory: Ironically I am writing this from the airport on the way home from another month long work trip and am already counting the days to hit the road again, I know, I have a problem! Stay tuned....


Expedition Leader
Safe travels...The snow keeps falling in Utah! I am sure you will find the goods:)


Perpetual Transient
Thanks! I was just in Park City last week actually. The Wasatch was getting pounded. It's going to be a great spring for skiing. Planning on being on snow in Mammoth in May as well. Just trying to work out some details regarding shipping some gear ahead so I am not the weirdo sitting on the beach in Baja with skis leaning against the truck! Haha


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Here's to fair weather and adventurous times accompanying you while your travelling about! :elkgrin:

Lookin' forward to the stories you'll share.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
You are always welcome in central Phoenix to a sofa/bed, shower, laundry and my wifes excellent Peruvian cooking...and of course cigars around the firepit in the backyard.
Just pm me when you are heading this way.


Expedition Leader
Thanks! I was just in Park City last week actually. The Wasatch was getting pounded. It's going to be a great spring for skiing. Planning on being on snow in Mammoth in May as well. Just trying to work out some details regarding shipping some gear ahead so I am not the weirdo sitting on the beach in Baja with skis leaning against the truck! Haha the weirdo with the truck in Baja with skis. I am sure you would get a few questions. My family and I will be down in C.Reef, Escalante, and Lake Powell area the first 2 weeks of April if you are interested. Shoot me a PM.


Perpetual Transient
You are always welcome in central Phoenix to a sofa/bed, shower, laundry and my wifes excellent Peruvian cooking...and of course cigars around the firepit in the backyard.
Just pm me when you are heading this way.

Lance, that sounds perfect! I will keep you posted when I get down that way. I never had a chance to introduce myself to you at ExPo 2010 as you always had a bunch of folks chatting you up at your exhibit. Would be great to cross paths with you. Thanks for the gracious offer.


Perpetual Transient the weirdo with the truck in Baja with skis. I am sure you would get a few questions. My family and I will be down in C.Reef, Escalante, and Lake Powell area the first 2 weeks of April if you are interested. Shoot me a PM.

Haha, maybe I will, if for no other reason aside from getting some cool pics on the beach with my ski gear on. ;)

I am definately getting down to those places, might be more towards the end of the second week of April but will definately keep you posted.


Appalachian Ridgerunner
Thanks bud! The foul weather can be fun too though! :D

:hehe: Silly ski bum,I know it might be hard to believe but some folks get tired of foul weather after a couple months of cold and snow. If a feller ain't a skier, than snow just becomes something to shovel or plow once hunting season is over. But for you I'll amend my well wishes to "May fair weather and foul grant you many adventures!" Now get out there and post up something cool for us to be jealous of.


Oh what fun you're gonna have! Look forward to vicarious living through your iphone pics.

The offer stands if you get out thisaways. :wavey:


Drop us a PM if you are in the Kingman area of AZ.

I reckon I could match Lance's offer for a place to rest up if needed. We are in the northwest corner of AZ so drop me an email or PM if you are in the area. Wearing a ski outfit would be a bit different take on a Baja beach.


Expedition Leader
Haha, maybe I will, if for no other reason aside from getting some cool pics on the beach with my ski gear on. ;)

I am definately getting down to those places, might be more towards the end of the second week of April but will definately keep you posted.

Use your winter ski gear to do a little water skiing! Now, that would a shot...

We will be a in white LC pulling an e1 camper with bikes and kayaks...

Enjoy your travels. I have heard from numerous sources that many roads down south are being graded. Safe travels!


Perpetual Transient
Spent some time today prepping the truck. The exhaust system needed some tightening up, the toll of so many miles offhighway in it I suppose. Imalso started sorting some gear. The real challenge of this trip is bringing what I need and not much more but covering the bases for skiing, biking, and backpacking is going to require a bunch of gear as well as the gear I need for work which consists of two large boxes and another large piece. Might have to get a bit creative. I have been storing alot of gear in the Land Ceuiser for the winter and I almost feelmcompelled to swap the plate from it onto the Disco as it is so appropriate....

Next up, tracking some fluid leaks on the Disco, tuning uo the mountain bike and devising a system to pack it all. Thinking of removing the rear seats for the trip.


Perpetual Transient
Oh what fun you're gonna have! Look forward to vicarious living through your iphone pics.

The offer stands if you get out thisaways. :wavey:

Linda, I was definately planning in swinging by your way on the run up to Mammoth Mountain if you are going to be around.

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