Its almost like your setup was designed for the tundra and never put into production.
Well, technically speaking, the Extra Cab and Regular Cab 1G Tundras were available with the R150F--just only behind the V6. It would make sense that the trans tunnel and firewall areas would be quite accepting of a manual trans setup.
And this is an awesome swap/build
@northboundtundra ! Having owned a V8 1G Tundra DoubleCab, two V8 LX470s, two V8 GX470s, two 1G V6 Tacomas (an auto and a manual), and two V6 3G 4Runners--I always wanted to combine the best of all those worlds into one of them: V8, 5-spd manual, manual tcase, and manual hubs.

Going manual hubs would make yours just about the ultimate setup. Do it!

(IMO, the only thing better would be adding front and rear 80 series Cruiser axles...

I looked heavily into doing it on my last GX470. But in the end, the GX470 is just too fugly, IMO, and I had to get rid of it. But it woulda been not too bad. I'm fairly certain there is actually factory manual trans and 2UZ equipped 100/LX470s that were available in the Middle East. I dont think they got the R150F though. EDIT: they got the H151F. But there is (or was...) at least one Cruiser shop in the US that sells a bolt in swap kit for 100 series Cruiser. Lemme track down my notes on that (just for future reference since I brought it up. Haha -- Cause your swap is already pretty damn cool without my ramblings.

Edit: CruiserParts is the place that offers the Cruiser swap kit parts with the H151F behind the 2UZ. Note: I suggest anybody google their reputation and become informed on their M.O. before going and ordering from them. I personally much prefer ordering from other Cruiser shops like the top quality Cruiser Outfitters. But CruiserParts seems to be the only place that has this swap parts list online anywhere (and might be the only one thats [currently] got this list put together). : 2UZ-FE Manual Conversion Parts - 40 Series 60-84 60 Series 81-90 55 Series 69-80 80 Series & LX450 90-07 100 Series & LX470 98-07 FJ Cruiser 07-current Diesel & Non USA Sections Vehicles For Sale Hardware and Misc. Parts 200 Series & LX570 2008-Current 70 Series Tools, Fluids...
I'd love to see somebody put together a kit for the R150F behind the 2UZ too, though. (Especially cause I might need a 2UZ in front of my R150F in my 2003 Tacoma one day...

) I say go for it
@northboundtundra !