Oct. weight loss challenge


Expedition Leader
Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies :) ):

Goal for the month:

Overall goal:

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report:

Plan of Attack, Diet:

Plan of Attack, Exercise:

Biggest Challenge:
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Wheels of progress... ?

My meeting with my doctor went well.
He thinks the lap band procedure would help me tremendously. He said he will fight with my insurance company to make sure they will cover it with minimal delay. I'm sure Humana will have other ideas.
So he started looking for other health problems due to my obesity.
Blood pressure - fine. Cholesterol - fine. Liver functioning - fine. Kidney functioning - fine. Blood sugar - fine. And so forth. Sucks to be healthy, I guess. Good genes from my mom's side of the family. This doesn't help my case to get help.
I do have bad knees and some circulation issues, especially with my left leg - due in part to a severe injury years ago that required removal of three deep veins - and in part to my weight.
So all my paperwork has been turned in to Southwest Bariatric and they will be working with my doctor on getting insurance approval.
In the meantime, I'm trying to change my eating habits and see what I can do on my own.
My goal for the month is to continue to work with my doctor and the surgeons to jump (or crawl) through whatever hoops I have to do to get the help I need to lose weight.
My overall goal is to become 1/2 the man I am. I'm shooting for losing at least 200 pounds by the time it's all said and done.
Plan of attack, diet - Portion control, no sodas, more vegetables, less junk.
Plan of attack, exercise - ehh... not so much just yet. Started taking glucosamine again for my knees - seems to be helping already. If it continues, then there will be walking in my future.
Biggest challenge - making the choices consistently that I should make - eating, walking, etc. It's way too easy to live life in my comfort zone. Changing that is a challenge.

Best to all y'all. :bowdown: You continue to inspire and encourage.


I'm In!

Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies ): n/a

Goal for the month:10lbs

Overall goal: 40-50lbs

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Monday

Plan of Attack, Diet: less carbs and less diet soda, up the veggies and protein

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I usually hit the gym 3-4 times a week for cardio and weights... continue routine

Biggest Challenge: 6 surgeries on rt foot. Still recovering from latest one and experiencing pain when walking. No running for me.. yet.

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Let's go big or go home!


Spamicus Eliminatus
I go to the doctor this afternoon. Since I'm doing pretty good health-wise right now, I'm hoping he'll give me permission to join. :)


Good luck to everybody - keep up the good work!

Congrats on the positive news from the doctor - good luck with insurance.

Be careful of the Glucosamine trap - I had a pretty complete knee reconstruction nearly 20 years ago (ACL repair, meniscus removal, one screw implanted) and have been a somewhat faithful believer in glucosamine for quite awhile now.

A couple pills a day is pretty easy to take, and pretty easy to forget as well. In my case, the benefits of glucosamine are so subtle, and take so long to really kick in, that's its easy to loose the faith and "forget" to take them. Especially when you start doing the math, thinking "these pills are costing me $1/day....."

In my case, one week of not taking them will take 2-3 months to recover from. If I take my pills I pretty much go through my day with little to no knee pain, but if I miss a week all of a sudden its hard to get off the couch, hard to walk down stairs, etc.... and it takes quite awhile to build it back up.

Just my unasked for advice for the day - Short story: Glucosamine good - don't forget to take it.


Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies :) ): 216 lbs. at 6'0"

Goal for the month: I'll be happy if I lose 5 lbs.

Overall goal: get weight down to 185 lbs (-30 lbs)

Day of weigh-in and progress report: Sept. 30

Plan of Attack, Diet: Eat in moderation and reduce my sugar intake.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I purchased a Schwinn 230 Recumbent Exercise Bike when it was on sale and have it set up downstairs next to the TV. The plan is to use it 5-7 days a week.

Biggest Challenge: I tend to procrastinate.

Besides the overall long term health benefits, I'll be able to lower my life insurance premium if I loose the weight, lower my blood pressure a bit and reduce my slightly elevated cholestrol.
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the dude

Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies :) ): 315

Goal for the month: lose 10 lbs

Overall goal: 260 within a year

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Monday

Plan of Attack, Diet:Eating less more often

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I am thinking about cross country skiing when the snow flies

Biggest Challenge:Home office with kitchen so close...on going.


Oct. Starting Weight 193lbs

Goal for the month: down five to 188 lbs

Overall goal: One lb a week from Jan 18, 08 to Jan 18, 2009. Currently 35 weeks in and 28 lbs down

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Monday seems to be the worst day.

Plan of Attack, Diet: Smaller portions, less junk, more protein, more breakfast, less supper.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Training for the 5K run at SnT. Running/walking for 45 min, 4 times a week now.

Biggest Challenge: Beer. Its still on my ok list but as I eat less I drink more. I'm going to have to limit it.


Oct. Starting Weight: 203

Goal for the month:

Overall goal: 175

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Wed

Plan of Attack, Diet: I need to figure out some healthy, filling, fast and easy breakfast ideas.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Tomorrow I meet with a personal trainer to start weight training, I'm already running, and spinning 2-3 days a week.

Biggest Challenge: Food! It seems the more I stress about food and my weight the worse I eat!

Good luck to everyone!



Okay, I was watching from the sidelines last month... I have been thinking for awhile that I need to do something about the ever expanding waist line. I eat pretty healthy for the most part, but like "the dude" I too have a home office with the kitchen all too close. In addition to that, when I'm not home working, I'm out with clients, often at lunch or dinner. I finally stepped on the scale a few weeks ago (thanks to the sept post for the weight loss challenge) and was 219... I'm happy to say though that this morning, I was only 212... woo hoo!

Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies ): 212 at 6' 3"

Goal for the month: 207

Overall goal: 190

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Monday

Plan of Attack, Diet: I already eat fairly healthy, but move more towards fresh fruit and veggies, less meat, smaller portions.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: I have been using my Schwinn Recumbant bike (similar to the one offroad Nomad just purchased) about 3 times a week for several months now and will be increasing that to 5-7 days a week. I'll add taking the dog on longer walks now that it is cooling off too.

Biggest Challenge: Home office/kitchen and entertaining clients at lunches/dinners.

Good luck to everyone... off to ride the bike!


Oct. Starting Weight: 242

Goal for the month: 232

Overall goal: 230 (until further notice)

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Monday

Plan of Attack, Diet: Blah blah blah

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Blah blah blah

Biggest Challenge: Food and hours spent sitting on my fat ******** driving my computer


Expedition Leader
Guess I'd better get in on this, too!

Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies :) ): 237

Goal for the month: 230

Overall goal: 190

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: Tues.

Plan of Attack, Diet: Continue ice cream ban, get serious about WeightWatchers points system.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: Joined Y last Monday, so 3X30min/week on treadmill.

Biggest Challenge: Exercise.


Expedition Leader
Oct. Starting Weight (optional for the ladies ): 252 (already lost 13lbs in the past 2 weeks)

Goal for the month: 20

Overall goal: get down to 205

Day of weekly weigh-in and progress report: friday

Plan of Attack, Diet: a limit of 1800 calories per day but right now I am averaging 1700. Typical day breaks this up into 3 meals and 2 snacks Meals are good solid healthy meals with portion control and snacks are usually things like an apple and cheese.

Plan of Attack, Exercise: MWF ride bike to and from work 20 miles round trip. Hit gym for upper body wieght training. Tuesday and thursday ride one way to work. Also get in a minimum of 10 miles per week of paddling into the mix. Right now my week ends are slammed but I am also trying tog et in a little "play time" as well which could be taking the dog for a long walk etc.

Biggest Challenge:Keeping the time I have allocated for all this a top priority. I have alot on my plate right now so not allowing myself to say "well I'll just skip the bike this morning so I can take care of _____".

Grim Reaper

Expedition Leader
I'm in.

Goal for the Month 10lb

Starting weight 206

Wednesday weigh in.

Over all Goal 190lb and see where I am from there.

Plan of attack.

"Eat Less, Move more"
Continue Bicycle commuting for excercise with weekend rides.
Portion control.


I was a slacker last week... I did pretty well with smaller portions and more fresh fruits/veggies, but slacked off on the exercising. I did weigh in at 211 this morning though, so 1 pound somehow snuck away. This week will be better!

Hope everyone else is making progress with their plans and goals.


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