Offroad Teardrop+ concept


Expedition Leader
Aw Hell.

I'm offended by the bait and switch. This thread began as a "Give me some good input and critique on my concept and when it is done I'll toss some drawings your way" and became a "I'm selling this uber-cool EarthRomer style trailer that you DIYers can't afford but give me some free advice anyway" thread.

I'm still subscribed but I had great hopes for a ExPo open source arrangement where we could all share design expertise and fabrication/material sources. Maybe it is fodder for another thread.

Don't get me wrong, JJBiggs. I wish you all the best with this venture. The world needs more trailers like this but if I can't add some 'sweat equity' I'm gonna have to wait a few years to look for one used.

I concur with Mr. Lowenbrau...

Many people came before, that were talented on one level or another, a lot more talented than me. Those folks were our inspiration for many trailer builds, and I pulled many good ideas from those backyard specials and those builders.

They pieced together whatever they could afford, with whatever skills they had. Good, bad, it didn't matter, it was all inspirational and I couldn't get enough of it. It was the driving force for getting involved at all...and we thank all those guys for their input, inspiration, posting of pictures and ideas, but most importantly their dedication to get that trailer rolling.

This whole trailer thing is almost like a sport and a brotherhood. I find it to be one of the most rewarding and exciting things I've had the good fortune to participate in. It's been a lot of fun to see the start to finish projects that come in every concievable size and configuration.

It's certainly good to see someone make it into the "majors", and I'm sure we all wish Chad luck with his new venture...but I feel the most important thing to remember, is that we all started in the "minors"....

and there's not a damn thing wrong with that:ylsmoke:

Best of luck,



Supporting Sponsor | SEES
Folks - This is just getting silly. The original post was back at the beginning of this whole thing.

As stated before here's the course of events. (READ CAREFULLY AND SLOWLY)

1. I started this design with the intention on building my own trailer.

2. Upon posting my design, another Expo'r who owned his own metal fabrication company contacted me and asked if I might be interested in making this design into something. Meaning - go into business to make them professionally.

3. After thinking about it, I said "...what the heck. Why not?" Things progressed from there.

4. I pulled the original art as there was no copyright information on the images. Since I was in the process of getting federal copyright approval, I had to remove them.

5. The comment made was in regards to the general approach / appearance that most companies that build "Tear drops" seem to have. Small, old-tech, and backyard versus a proper assembly process based manufacturing. Go do a search on "tear drops" and you'll see what I mean. Even the websites are terrible.

NOW - READ THIS CAREFULLY -->> Nothing, absolutely NOTHING was said to be a personal attack on DYI'ers. Heck, I myelf am a DIY'er. In fact, if this whole thing fails I still plan on building my own out of plywood in my own garage.

Now with all that said - let it go and let's move on. For Pete's sake. :confused:

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The Swiss

Expedition Leader

Stop justifying yourself and go back building that dang trailer! ;) you have not done anything wrong. Can't wait to see the fruits of your imagination, using the input of some other family members here on the board :wings:


Just to clarify...

I'm not at all disappointed with your intentions JJBiggs. Just of the way fate took this thread. If I had your abilities and somebody approached me with the resources to bring this thing to production I'd be on it like a fat kid on a Smarty.

I was honest when I wished you the best with this venture. Please continue to share what you can.


Supporting Sponsor | SEES

Stop justifying yourself and go back building that dang trailer! ;) you have not done anything wrong. Can't wait to see the fruits of your imagination, using the input of some other family members here on the board :wings:

Cheers Michael. We're on it. :coffeedrink:



I will be the first to admit that I was one of the people prodding Chad to produce these. Selfishly, I admit, as I want one and cannot fabricate, design, and pretty much lack any creative brain cells (I'm a numbers guy plain and simple). I think that this community has been great for Chad and I feel that Chad has been great for this community. If you take time to get to know him, I would guess that, like me, you will have expectations of more designs (of what, who knows) down the road. His creative mind truly never sleeps. He had pure intentions to build a great trailer for himself. Since he has done such a great job working towards that goal, he has created demand from users like myself. I sure hope that the production happens!



Supporting Sponsor | SEES
Chad, are you still on schedule to have a finished product by December/January?

No comment on the rest of the sidetracked discussion. ;)

Man, I hope so. Since this effort has been a side project, I have had to put it aside recently as more work that pays the bills has come in.

Finding a proper vendor for the body shell of the trailer has been draining. Pricing is all over the place to produce the parts. From the "how can that possibly be" low to the "are you seriously smoking crack" high. Trying to find a worthwhile fiberglass fabrication group has been a challenge to say the least.

At first, I really thought the tent would be the most difficult. Nope. Found a great group out of California.

Just need a good, reliable and cost effective fiberglass group. 2 are presently on tap, but I need to send them full CAD's. So at this point, I need to get those rolling ASAP.

But I digress.....besides...I am rambling. :sombrero:



Chad - have you tried any of the boat fab places?

I'd think a lot of them might be really thrilled at a project like this.

Good luck - really looking forward to it.


Supporting Sponsor | SEES
Howdy all...

UPDATE - 10-20-10.

Well...a ton of work has gone into this. Quite literally. The final CAD drawings are complete with all vendors contacted to provide final quotes on parts. Now the exciting stuff begins.

This week - the trailer frames for the 1st two trailers begin fabrication. From these, jigs will be produced to streamline assembly for future units. We will post pictures of the process as soon as it begins. (we are waiting on materials to arrive).

A side note - Mr. McVickers has contacted me regarding how this has become a commercial endeavor. With that, he has asked I become a sponsor. For which I am happy to do so. At the moment, nothing has happened for us to sell a single trailer yet. We have all the right intentions, but need to make sure we are doing it correctly. So...with that said, as soon as we have the first two trailers underway, I will formally introduce the product and what it does as a proper Expo sponsor. In the meantime, thank you to all. This has been a pretty darn exciting personal project. And, to have it turn into something like well, pretty darn amazing.


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