The rivers of Idaho are outstanding! Fish, floating, etc. July is a great time to try the dry fly action! July is also the time to float the rivers before they drop significantly.
Lilly enjoyed floating the Salmon River!

The fishing was on...Lilly got a new Orvis setup from her grandfather recently and she was excited to use it. Louise and I were nervous she would break it. It is nice! She seemed to have good luck!

Louise used to guide in Jackson. She has the skills. She proved it...

Our goal for this day was to bike down to a ghost town and check it out. Relics of the past...Love it! A big breakfast to start the day.

So many signs from the past.

This article caught my eye. Notice the author? Crazy...

We witnessed an unusual event...The running of the Salmon. Or should I say the running of one lone Salmon. Quite an amazing sight. What a journey she/he had...

More to come...
Lilly enjoyed floating the Salmon River!

The fishing was on...Lilly got a new Orvis setup from her grandfather recently and she was excited to use it. Louise and I were nervous she would break it. It is nice! She seemed to have good luck!

Louise used to guide in Jackson. She has the skills. She proved it...

Our goal for this day was to bike down to a ghost town and check it out. Relics of the past...Love it! A big breakfast to start the day.

So many signs from the past.

This article caught my eye. Notice the author? Crazy...

We witnessed an unusual event...The running of the Salmon. Or should I say the running of one lone Salmon. Quite an amazing sight. What a journey she/he had...

More to come...