On board air options


Well-known member
Some fine solutions here. I admit I just use a Ryobi P-747 dual function inflator and a manual tire gauge that I keep "on board" my truck


Active member
if the M18 was slow, like the cheapies, I'd agree. but its no harder to use than pulling out the hose, and it's not expensive. will an oasis xd do better? yea. it's almost as good as a york engine drive, but that because it's a york with a winch motor attached... for 2200 bucks. lol.
Unless you have that thing mounted somwhere...you entirely missed the point of where I saved time. Waiting for it to cool down before packing it away. Also having to drag stuff out of the back to get to it and put it back, though that's more of an annoyance than real time suck. While storage set-ups and such differ...thermodynamics does not ;) If you're just throwing it in the back of an open pick-up bed...sure...grab and go. If it's getting packed away in a storage bag amongst other stuff in your SUV? Not so much. At no point was I comparing models/efficiencies (that's a whole 'nother thread). I was simply pointing out a factor a lot of folks may not consider (like me) until they actually have a few, regretful, repetitions under their belt (like me).
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Active member
A co2 tank really beats them all for durability and speed, but, thats a whole 'nother packaging issue. that was the route I used for the lx470. yea, you gotta refill it, and that stays in your head, but i found it to be like fuel, in that i never ran out and the range anxiety was for nothing.
Admittedly watching a buddy with a Powertank system and Monster valves just...WOOSH...fill and deflate his 37s on his Jeep fills me with a bit of envy. But...yup...finding space for that thing just isn't in the cards with our current set up. Maybe once we're down to just one dog (hopefully not for a few years) we can explore that. For now...I need all the space I can get!


Expedition Leader
Admittedly watching a buddy with a Powertank system and Monster valves just...WOOSH...fill and deflate his 37s on his Jeep fills me with a bit of envy. But...yup...finding space for that thing just isn't in the cards with our current set up. Maybe once we're down to just one dog (hopefully not for a few years) we can explore that. For now...I need all the space I can get!
yea, thats the pain in ass part. i went to a smaller tank, and it still looses the versatility. its definitely WHOOSH v space. its why mine was abandoned. the only place to put it was under the deck sideways, or on the rack flat, which, made it a pain to upright it. some people put propane tanks on their tire carriers, that would be the place for the co2.


Well-known member
Take a look at ViAir's new VMS line.

This is an intriguing option, especially as it’s designed for a tank to be added. Thanks for sharing. My only concern is the size of the equipment. ARB’s twin compressor unit is compact and with a manifold takes up little of the very limited space available in the engine bay of 200 series LC. It’s also been thoroughly tested and doesn’t interfere or overheat given its proximity to other equipment in the engine bay. I don’t know of anyone else running a system like this, that’s larger and would likely need a custom mounting plate, in a 200 series and have no idea if it’d fit and operate safely. If anyone is aware or has a Viair VMS in their Land Cruiser I’d love to know how you did your install and how it’s working out.

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I've had two Viair compressors, one was the 450 and another was a real small compact unit. Both had problems after a lot of use and a few years. I wouldn't consider them a great option especially to mount in a vehicle, but thats just my experience. Maybe others have had good luck with Viair. A compressor is something that I would want to be very reliable and good quality, better than Viair assuming budget allows. Its a big need for many of us. ARB quality seems to be better than Viair in terms of its overall quality in my experience. The durability and reliability is proven. Another brand I would seriously consider is Extreme Outback.
SLEE makes a 200 series bolt in mount for the ARB twin. That would serve your needs very well. Run the line into the front bumper and hard mount a air connection.


It's on my 80 and not my 200 but I've been running the puma compressor for about 12 years. I rarely use it, but when I do it's mostly to air up after a trail. Those times I'm very glad I have it and it also gives me piece of mind if I need to air up a flat or something.

However, I will say that the last trip I went on a month ago my buddy had the same tire size as me and was running the ARB dual compressor. He filled up his 4 tires about 5 minutes before I did. And, his compressor is much smaller than mine. So, with that said, if I were considering something now I might go with the smaller ARB dual compressor. One more reason is that ARB has wonderful customer support.


I had a Powertank for a while. I sold it. Yes, you can air up tires fast if there is air in the tank but what after that?

It's just like the idea of electric overland vehicles. What do you do in the middle of nowhere when the gauge reads empty?

I live in a pretty good size town which is a suburb of a pretty good size city and I could not easily or cheaply find someone to fill my Powertank.

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Well-known member
pumps like ARB are cycle duty pumps, they are great pumps, however, if you want something that is continuous duty they go for about 2000 dollar range. ( duty cycle pumps loose efficiency as pump gets hotter )
Continuous duty pumps are usually used on vehicles that have CTIS systems,

To pump 4 tires occasionally or something like that, ARB pump will do just fine.

My older humvee didn’t come with factory CTIS system, so I am using smithibuit pump, its been excellent pump for 8 years now pumping 37 inch tires.


Well-known member
Always works;



Well-known member
the old York systems are still a good option and if you have an 80 series, absolute Witts end makes a bracket kit for them.

I’d advise against any purchased from Wits’ End. Head over to Mud, there are a dozen threads about how his business has collapsed and he has not delivered on many many thousands of dollars worth of orders, all while his site is still up and seemingly accepting payment for orders. He’s been unresponsive to dozens of people for months after taking payment from them for a variety of products. He’s been removed from vendor status on Mud, which takes some effort. I don’t have any skin in the game other than saving the next guy from throwing money away. This is all well publicized at this point, and my understanding is lawyers are involved with a class complaint in the works.

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