sorry I didn't see this earlier that people asked questions about my York set up. as far as the clutch they have an electromagnetic clutch. so you just run the clutch wire to a pressure switch and it runs just like a regular shop compressor turns on at 125psi, cuts off at 145psi. as for the bracket I made it, 1st made a plate to bolt to the compressor. then made a plate to bolt to the head with a pivot and clamp bolt. 3rd made a slip plate that was adjustable, even put a 1/2" square hole in it for adjustment so you can use a 1/2" drive ratchet or breaker bar to tighten it. then I welded the slip plate to the compressor plate. this was a little tricky to get the alignment right but wasn't to bad. if anybody in so cal wants to take a look let me know. like I said I had a viair and the York blows it away. btw I used the largest York available, I have 2 smaller ones if anybody wants one. highdesertranger