Outside air temp sensor that doesn't look like crap?


Here you go. Looks stock when installed. I have one in my rig, although it doesn't look stock in a 40 year old rig like mine!



Kinda spendy, but I have taken it from vehicle to vehicle. Just save the old rear view mirror for re install later.

Thats the same mirror used in the 1 generation Nissan Xterras. Maybe one can be had from a junk yard for less.

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
I always wonder at the necessity for an "ice" warning. I mean really? If it's close to 0C/32F, there's likely to be ice. Isn't just seeing the number good enough?

Heck,I had not been thinking of a outside temp guage until I started reading this thread:coffeedrink:.... but for 14.99 shipped, its a deal I just can't pass up..:Wow1::wings::wings:


American Adventurist
On my '06 there are two "air temp" sensors. One in the intake and the other behind the grill for the overhead display in the cab. On my truck the engine ECU doesn't know about the sensor behind the grill so that info is unavailable to the Scanguage II. I can only read intake temp. YMMV

As for tranny temp? That rumor was the reason I bought the Scanguage II and (as far as I know) nobody has come up with an x-code for tranny temp on the 05 and up trucks.... If you know different, spill the beans, myself and a LOT of other guys would love to have the tranny code..... RON

Right... the OP has a 99; I have a 2001 (see sigs). Now we know you have an 06. The X-codes apply to our generation vehicles, and pretty well known that nobody has "cracked the code" yet for your generation truck. Sorry RON, be patient, there are smart folks working on it I'm sure.


I know the early model gm guys use a compass temp mirror out of a 99-06 chevy/gmc truck or suv and all that is needed is a ambient air temp sensor and twelve volts and a ground wired to it. I know all can be had really cheap at a junkyard. You do have to set up the compass for your location. Easier than it sounds. If you can comfortably wire up a cb you will be alright with this project. Let me see if I can find something.

Yes during those years the mirror didnt get the temp signal from a bcu or anything its directly from the sensor. You can get the stick on chevy windshield mount that the mirror slides on for really cheap. I think I read there that a guy got the temp sensor for like 13.00 from the dealer back in 05 i dont think its gotten inflated too much.

Here it is.http://www.fullsizechevy.com/showthread.php?138717-Rear-View-Mirror&highlight=temp+mirror
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I know the early model gm guys use a compass temp mirror out of a 99-06 chevy/gmc truck or suv and all that is needed is a ambient air temp sensor and twelve volts and a ground wired to it. I know all can be had really cheap at a junkyard. You do have to set up the compass for your location. Easier than it sounds. If you can comfortably wire up a cb you will be alright with this project. Let me see if I can find something.

Yes during those years the mirror didnt get the temp signal from a bcu or anything its directly from the sensor. You can get the stick on chevy windshield mount that the mirror slides on for really cheap. I think I read there that a guy got the temp sensor for like 13.00 from the dealer back in 05 i dont think its gotten inflated too much.

Here it is.http://www.fullsizechevy.com/showthread.php?138717-Rear-View-Mirror&highlight=temp+mirror

Thanks for posting that!!

FWIW I found the link after some searching.
Might have to get one for my bronco.
Quick question though, how do I get the metal pad that it attaches to off the windshield?


Active member
I always wonder at the necessity for an "ice" warning. I mean really? If it's close to 0C/32F, there's likely to be ice. Isn't just seeing the number good enough?

Same thinking here. I had a cheapo thermometer that had an ice warning buzzer that would go off every minute or so when it was below freezing. Couldn't turn it off either! Got really old living where the temp wouldn't get above freezing for months at a time!

Needless to say it didn't stay installed long..............


Wiffleball Batter
So, still doing research. I like the mirror mounted ones but yeesh! Almost $200!

So then I found this:


Don't know if I'd have to remove the A pillar grab bar, but I wouldn't care - I don't use it anyway (duh, if I need something to hang onto I have a steering wheel!)

Pillar-mounted gauge pod for about $25, and then fill it with this:


Total cost would be ~$100 but it would look a lot better than the $8 Checker Auto one I have there now!

For $44 more I can get an inside/outside gauge. Not sure I'd really need that but it's kind of cool.


Edit: Found an even sweeter deal at http://www.egauges.com. $20 for the pod and less than $50 for the gauge and sender!
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