Thinking more about your site, I don't visit it very often, but the few times I have, it's been in hope of seaching for a past article. I have every issue of OJ, but a searchable, topical index of articles, news, and products, by issue date/volume would be very helpful.
that is a great idea!
Thinking more about your site, I don't visit it very often, but the few times I have, it's been in hope of seaching for a past article. I have every issue of OJ, but a searchable, topical index of articles, news, and products, by issue date/volume would be very helpful.
I have looked at the old site several times looking for a master index for Overland Journal, would come in very handy.
I've thought the same thing.
Scott, here's a link to how Wooden Boat does it: I use their search quite a bit and I suspect as my OJ collection grows I'll want to use it here as well.
The site looks great, but the store link is not working.
I am also having problems with the store link and the subscription link. I really need to renew my subscription or I'm going to be in trouble.
In the past few days we have had a few isolated incidents of people having trouble with our online store (however it is still working for most customers), and we are currently working on getting this resolved. In the meanwhile you can place an order over the phone if you'd like: 928-777-8567, ext. 5