Few more things got sorted out this week.
Since I installed the Mud Terrains on the truck I've been noticing some camber wear on the front tires. I had the alignment check a month ago and it turns out that I had a major problem. The driver side was sitting at -2.9 degrees and the passenger side at -1.4 degrees. I started looking into getting adjustable ball joints to fix the problem but the most I could get was a 2 degree correction ball joint. That would still leave me with a -.9 degree problem on the driver side. To make matters worst, since the last trail run, my front VariLock lsd was no longer working.
I searched for the past month for a used axle with the right gear ratio, low mileage and a working lsd. Finally found one on Sunday and I got around to install it last night. I also got an ARB diff cover to make fluid changes easier.
I'm planning on getting an ARB front locker at some point but for now I decided to hold off until I get the rear bumper built. I'm excited to see how the QuadraDrive system does on the trails now that it's fully functional.
Here's a pavement shot with a friend's 4th Gen 4Runner