Arizona and Colorado .......I guess some of us will be plugging away at the Institute of Hard Knocks......
This is just the beginning. We hope to be able to expand to your neck of the woods sooner rather than later.
Arizona and Colorado .......I guess some of us will be plugging away at the Institute of Hard Knocks......
blupaddler said:Couple of questions...
Do you have to take the modules in order? i.e. Are they prerequisites for each other?
blupaddler said:Any plan in the future to try and have these classes accredited through a local college?
Paul R said:When are you branching into UT?
Where in AZ would it be held? Prescott? Should I do the Wilderness First Aid course first?
Can I mix in some the Photography modules as electives, or are there no electives during the 7 day comprehensive program?
gjackson said:Yes, training will be based out of Prescott. You can do the WFA either before or after, so that's entirely up to your schedule.
The 7-day program just covers the core courses. You would have to complete the WFA and the HAM / elective separately. As things progress, and depending on interest, we will most likely have a system in place to have the elective either right before or right after the 7-day.
Is the East Coast in the plan? I'd love this.gjackson said:This is just the beginning. We hope to be able to expand to your neck of the woods sooner rather than later.