Overland Training in Hollister, CA September 23 - 26


Supporting Sponsor
The Overland Training Event in Hollister, CA is coming up next month.


So far we are expecting seven (7) G-wagen to participate - at least at the fire-chat, camping and Overland dinners.....

It's never too early to get ready/prepared :sombrero:



Supporting Sponsor
bringing your tipsy railer?


I have to - your woman likes the freshly brewed java.....

Might have to rent the upstairs sleeping quarters, kitchenette, running water, cold fridge, Solar power and plenty of storage - the perfect Overlander

Maybe I sign up for the trailer towing class - or would be the recovery one better suited?

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Am I expecting too much? Are my German genes out of line?

I am very disappointed by the flow of information about the event from the organizers - not very professional at all!

Same is true for the October event in Arizona


Sorry that you feel that way. I can assure you that Brian and JP have been working really hard to prepare this event over the last few weeks. We just don't want to release too much information until everything is confirmed. Furthermore, we are putting an extra effort since this will be the very first one gathering.

I am not sure if you have seen this thread but it has some info:


We will also be launching the new website within a few days.

Also, we have extended the preregistration discount through out August.

If you have specific question about the event, please let us know

Thank you and I really hope to see you there!




I have followed the thread - and noticed that most interested participants had questions about the event.

No doubt the organizers are working hard to set it all up (I have organized many such events and know how much work goes into getting them right - can't hear the word "permit" any longer), but I find it absolutely essential to have detailed information out for the interested parties at least 2 months prior to the event.

Scott Brady

The October training event in AZ is only a payment gateway for the Overland Training course, which is managed through an admissions and very one-on-one process with Graham Jackson, Director of OT - Completely separate from the Rally.

Look for many updates of the Overland Rally in the coming days. This is our first community event and is taking a lot of foundation work. Smooth sailing is on the horizon. . .

Looking forward to seeing all the Gs there and saying hello again Harold. It has been a few years.


Supporting Sponsor
Prolly see you guys Friday morn. Just in time for coffee and a little G-yoga. Looking forward to it.

Looking forward to see all my friends out there.

Please remember River is charging $5.75 per 15 Minutes human walk, with no stopping at every stupid 4x4 on the way.



Expedition Leader
well, he gets points for for the ex-officio shirt and mirror aviators, even if they arnt the proper hippie garb for a veedub.

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