I'm not ignoring your questions fella's, I'll have them all answered by tomorrow evening!
It was an insanely busy week at work, so I decided to do a little Overland trip of my own on Saturday/Sunday to get away from the stress!
I judged a Jeep Contest at Southern Dodge Jeep by the Norfolk Airport for my local club Tidewater Fourwheelers on Saturday. Our local Rock station FM99 is holding a "Rock Girl" competition, so they showed up and wanted pictures with a couple of the girls in the RTT. Well, I've never told a pretty girl no, except for my Ex-wife.
I didn't get any pics of the beautiful jeeps there, as I was busy judging, so I'll post some up when I find them from the event!
After the event was over, I B-lined it west toward the mountains.
It took me 3hrs to get out of the "Hampton Roads" area, which includes the 7 cities in the area, due to traffic. Unfortunately, for a Military and Vacation destination, which is what I live in the middle of, traffic is a constant nightmare!
Since it took me so long to get out of the area, I literally had to haul *** to get up to "Reddish Knob", which is on the Virginia/West Virginia state line. Once I got off of Route I-81 North, and snaked through a couple of back roads, I literally set State Fire Road 85 on fire trying to get up to the top of "Reddish Knob" in time to get a good sunset picture.
I have a bunch more pics, but I'm tired, so those will wait til tomorrow.