Thanks I didn't even check and see if my cooler would fit.....crap. well I have a plan for it....included another set of slides and a hinge with a removable pin for when I don't need the cooler but I didn't even check to make sure it would fit on top.I like your set up. Keep in mind if you put a cooler or fridge on top of the drawers the lid will hit the roof when you try to open it. The drivers side panel has lots of room if you remove it and build you a cubby hole.
you mean I'm supposed to glue it..Joking…… no I have not glue it yet I bought two 48" piano hinges to cut up and use where needed. Thanks again Rayra! I started working on here book shelves and now they are on the back burner and Im working on my truck....Looking good so far. Good max use of space and flush with the folded third row is a good idea.
If you haven't already glued the top I might suggest cutting it around 4" wide at forward and rearward edges and turning the bulk of it into a hatch, piano hinge forward, so you can still gain access to the drawer contents in a situation where you can't open the liftgate. Or even reverse that, hinge towards the rear of the vehicle, so you can get into the drawers from inside the vehicle.
I went with paddle latches, but most from the farm stores are meant to go in sheet metal. So I had to make some relief cuts in my drawer ends / faces. They come in non-locking too. I chose locking to superficially comply with CA laws on handgun / "assault weapon" transport. Sometimes I only take 1-2 of such to the range and don't feel like dragging along all the locking cases and the rest of the gear. And yes, such locking latches only keep honest people honest. But it legally satisfies CA regs for transporting those arms in an open SUV like our Subs.* So when I'm just taking one or two after making some accessory change or needing to sight in a new firearm, I can just sling a few things in the drawer and go. Any bigger such outing and all the 'luggage' is going anyway.Rayra its in area I'm not 100% sure on it. Yes there is plenty of room in front of the drawers, I'm trying to decide on the latches and think I've come up with slam latches for marine application I will have to drill a 2" hole in the plywood drawer fronts because the only cheap slam latches I see are for 1/2" thickness and my drawer fronts are 3/4" and the drawer itself is 1/2". though about yeti cooler latches but then you nave to put a nub on top to catch the latch and I don't like that idea.
What are some other type of latches that would work in this situation? no need to be locking. if they want it they will get in.