Ozark Trail/Walmart camping equipment


Regular Dude
For a while they were selling this knife for 3.97. I bought one just to take it home and see if it could be a decent bail out bag knife. I took it apart, cleaned it up a little, reassembled it with blue Loctite, then sharpened it down to .9 micron. The mystery steel was easily shave sharp, and it proved useful as a survival kit spare folder, party favor, "my buddy forgot his knife so he needs to borrow one" kind of thing. At that price, if it fell out of my pocket, or got lost somewhere, its not a big deal. I went back and bought 10 more, and gave them all the same treatment. Obviously not some super high speed custom crew-served Strider or whatever, but you'd be hard pressed to find something better for under 5 bucks I guess.

Their (what some have said are Yeti knockoff) tumblers and can coolers are pretty legit. I have a bunch of the 20oz. tumblers and a couple 30's. I can't notice a difference. They also stock UST (Universal Survival Technologies) products UST produces the Starflash Micro signal mirror. Usually 4 bucks or so. I have a handful of those as well, great piece of kit.


Expedition Leader
This is legit and on par with the name brand at 30% less.

The bags alone are worth $15/ea...we use the bags in our Turtleback Trailer for kitchen storage and our Weber-Q BBQ fits nicely inside the table compartment (with minor mods)


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Oh wow, I hadn't seen those yet, I will have to show it to my wife for organizing stuff for the kiddo. I also noticed this one that holds a stove https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Tr...ategy=PWVAV&visitor_id=aGxQSBlcsdreYQf2Av-72o


2016 4Runner Trail w/KDSS
The one you posted collapses down, the one quoted is actual storage so you can leave everything in there ready to go. Camp Chef has something similar for $100 and REI used to have something similar that I think was even more expensive.

(if you just like the bags look at mountainsmith modular storage bags)


SE Expedition Society
We had two of the single-stall privy tents; they succumb to sun damage and the poles get soft after 4 years of constant use. But 4 years of Hilldweller camping is pretty darn good....


I don't care how good their gear is or isn't. I'm not about to buy Walmart's junk when I'm already subsidizing their abhorrent business model with my tax dollars. It's worth doing a little research before deciding who you want to give your money to.


I don't care how good their gear is or isn't. I'm not about to buy Walmart's junk when I'm already subsidizing their abhorrent business model with my tax dollars. It's worth doing a little research before deciding who you want to give your money to.

Where do you buy your gear from that pays everybody a living wate from all those that work in manufacturing, the person who boxes it up, ships it out, receives it, inventories it, buts it on the shelf, sells it and the cashier who rings it up? I would bet Wal-Mart pays as good or better than many other sources you may choose to buy you gear from. I doubt there are very many retailers where everybody involved in their business gets a living wage. As far as customer service, who will sell you things and take things back 24 hours a day like Walmart will.

Now if you want to say that the advent of Walmart and its push for cheap crap has sent jobs over see and brought down the quality and expectations of us as consumers, I am on board with you.


Where do you buy your gear from that pays everybody a living wate from all those that work in manufacturing, the person who boxes it up, ships it out, receives it, inventories it, buts it on the shelf, sells it and the cashier who rings it up? I would bet Wal-Mart pays as good or better than many other sources you may choose to buy you gear from. I doubt there are very many retailers where everybody involved in their business gets a living wage. As far as customer service, who will sell you things and take things back 24 hours a day like Walmart will.

Now if you want to say that the advent of Walmart and its push for cheap crap has sent jobs over see and brought down the quality and expectations of us as consumers, I am on board with you.

I tend to buy most of my gear secondhand, but with that said... It's completely repulsive to see a business built on slave wages, with employees requiring government benefits to survive, all while the owners are the richest single family in the country. You make an excellent point about shoddy merchandise and off-shored jobs as well, not to mention the environmental cost (of shipping, plastics, Chinese manufacturing, etc). It's all absolutely vile.


I tend to buy most of my gear secondhand, but with that said... It's completely repulsive to see a business built on slave wages, with employees requiring government benefits to survive, all while the owners are the richest single family in the country. You make an excellent point about shoddy merchandise and off-shored jobs as well, not to mention the environmental cost (of shipping, plastics, Chinese manufacturing, etc). It's all absolutely vile.

Find me any retail business on the planet where everybody involved makes a living wage. It is the business responsibility to provide a product or service and stay in business. It is your responsibility to earn enough money to live the life style you want.


Find me any retail business on the planet where everybody involved makes a living wage. It is the business responsibility to provide a product or service and stay in business. It is your responsibility to earn enough money to live the life style you want.

I'm doing just fine.

Ask yourself, why are making excuses to justify clearly unethical behavior?

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