PacS14 Montero 2.5 not really a build thread...yet.


New member
Congrats! My 4 year old loves it too, she constantly asks me when are we going to go on another trip in it, since she knows it'll be somewhere in the woods with mud and trees all over.

Hey PacS14 what side of town do you reside? I'm in the market for a 2.5 with WP or a clean gen 3 and was curious if maybe I could come and check out your Monty? They're pretty rare and one I went to look at a few weeks ago was in such bad shape I don't think it was a good representation of one kept up well.


Congrats! My 4 year old loves it too, she constantly asks me when are we going to go on another trip in it, since she knows it'll be somewhere in the woods with mud and trees all over.

Hey PacS14 what side of town do you reside? I'm in the market for a 2.5 with WP or a clean gen 3 and was curious if maybe I could come and check out your Monty? They're pretty rare and one I went to look at a few weeks ago was in such bad shape I don't think it was a good representation of one kept up well.
Sorry for the late reply, I live near spring on 45 and FM 1960, I appreciate your thoughts but by far Raysobi's Monty would be a way better representation of a Monty well taken care of, I don't drive mine as often anymore and I still got to fix those pesky valve guide seals. But let me know if you want to come look at it, is not for sale though lol

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New member
Would love to come by and look at it! Certainly doesn't have to be perfect, just mainly want to see one in person and check them out before buying one. Shoot me a PM whenever you have a moment, I'm not far from 45 and 1960


Would love to come by and look at it! Certainly doesn't have to be perfect, just mainly want to see one in person and check them out before buying one. Shoot me a PM whenever you have a moment, I'm not far from 45 and 1960

Unfortunately it'll have to wait until sometime in October since I'm about to head out of town for military training, and won't be back until then, I'll let you know when I get back.


Well I'm finally back in town and although I don't have the time to work on the real upgrades I would like to for the Monty (gear swap, sliders, roof rack, etc.), I stay on the lookout for good deals on parts I would like to add to the Monty, so I found the clear corner lights, window visors, and moon roof vent reflector. And the pictures are too large to upload directly so after I get to a computer I'll try and post pictures.


Finally an update, not big things, just the small things that make driving the Montero a much better experience!

Using cup holders from my kids stroller that we don't use, I added cup holders to the Monty! Why did I wait so long to do this??? It's the second best mod after the zip tie repair for the side view mirrors for me!

Mock up!

Cutting those tabs and filling the coin/Ash tray by cutting a square out of a piece of plexiglass I had laying around.


I used 3M double sided tape to install both the plexiglass and the cup holders, I've had pretty good results using it for other more abused trim pieces on other cars so I figured I didn't have to drill holes and install screws to hold it in place.

Also a while back I ordered some reverse LED lights, two pairs to be exact, well what would you know one was the perfect size for for the factory hole and they fit like a glove after drilling 8 holes to mount them, I'll see how good they are tonight, I'm sure they will be an improvement from stock.Screenshot_20190207-130749.pngScreenshot_20190207-130813.pngScreenshot_20190207-130822.pngScreenshot_20190207-130837.png


So back up lights are a success! Plenty of light to back up now even with my window tint which is fairly dark.

But now mi second row seat won't fold down, luckily I found this thread on how to fix/repair/adjust or however you want to call it, will try this later on when I get homeMiddle seat won't fold down repair


Not much of an update, but I finally tackled the seat and it now folds no problem. One hook in the cable snapped and since I have no way to replace it at this moment I opted for pushing the remainder of the hook in through the hole and adjusting the cable as needed, so far is working. Also a couple of days ago I replaced the voltage regulator on an old AutoZone Alternator I had laying around. The process was surprisingly simple and the voltage regulator I bought from Amazon was made in Korea so I expect a longer life out of it than the one it replaced.Screenshot_20200503-223714.png

On a side note since the voltage is regulated now, no more flickering lights, and to my surprise my AC started working better... don't see how that relates but glad it has happened, I almost wanted to replace my AC compressor since it would not cool down all the way and at some point it would start whining, now two days after alternator no more AC problems.


Well-known member
how are the reverse lights working? I was thinking about picking up the same ones to put in my bumper (I'll have to cut holes of course).


how are the reverse lights working? I was thinking about picking up the same ones to put in my bumper (I'll have to cut holes of course).

One has completely failed, it got water in after 6 months, and slowly LEDs started failing one by one, the other one still going strong. I ordered another pair and this time I will seal it with silicone around the front glass and in the back. For the price I can't complain as they are cheap and fit the existing hole. So I'll see how long this new set lasts. Obviously only replacing the one that failed and I will have a spare.

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