PacS14 Montero 2.5 not really a build thread...yet.


Looks good man! What kind of change did you see in hill climbing (highway, not off road) with the 33's? I have factory size tires on my 98 and I'm planning on either 32s or 33s, but I'm holding out for a good deal on a blown Gen2 SR to rob the 4.6's out of first so I don't lose out on the highway hills....also the current tires are still fairly new so my cheap-*** doesn't want to ditch em quite yet haha.

Oh man! I'm afraid I cannot answer that one since I live in Houston, TX the only hills I go through and not that often or for extended periods of time are overpasses lol this is flat land. So with that said i do go through them everyday going back and forth to work. Is a little slower going up than before, but not enough to make me have second thoughts on my decision. I'm happy with the looks, handling, acceleration, etc the only real thing I miss is that with the old road huggers it had was that it was really comfortable driving over any bad road, now with the BFG tires I might try airing them down some and see if it makes a difference in the ride. My monomax shocks did not change the ride feel as much as the new tires, I think I got used to the almost car feel from before the new tires. Also I don't blame you for not buying the tires I did the same, I bought this truck and the tires were dry rotted enough that even though they had decent thread I did notwant to hold onto them for long, so after I fix the major things I considered ppriorities I went for the tires. I found a great deal online (only) at 4 wheel parts it was like $142 a tire so I bought all five. That was by far the cheapest price I found.


Nice ride Pac! Glad to see Houstonian Monty!

I saw your thread Raysobi nice monty you have there too. Are there any trails around here? I live near Spring and have heard about a park with trails. I was just waiting to get more done to my truck before i went there.


New member
Great job refreshing it so far. I will be following it to see how the hubs worked out for you. and for LED's in the cluster, very helpful post.


Great job refreshing it so far. I will be following it to see how the hubs worked out for you. and for LED's in the cluster, very helpful post.

Thanks for following my thread. Progress will be a little slow since I work, go to school, and I'm a husband and a Dad. Most of the time I prioritize towards maintenance which I don't really document unless is something major (no oil changes), or rare repair like the window regulator.


How about an update on the Aisin hubs. Have you installed them and how do they fit?
Grandpa Ken


How about an update on the Aisin hubs. Have you installed them and how do they fit?
Grandpa Ken

Oh man! Sorry to report that these are the wrong hubs! These are the 26 spline and we need the 28 spline ones, I will try and email Amazon and see if I can exchange them and pay the difference or shipping, otherwise I will have to either bite the bullet and a correct set or just order the correct spline count from a seller that sells rebuild parts, either way it was a fail on my part for rushing it.
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Damn it when I read the cross reference list I thought I had the correct part number I even got exited I was able to find it so easy. Oh well live and learn and hopefully get my money back! Also Aisin website shows that the correct part in their online catalog as Part #: FHM-002 which is the one I ordered from Amazon and did not fit. I emailed aisin hopefully they reply at some point. I requested to have the money refunded and seems it will go well so A+ for amazon. So this leaves me with either: 1) getting lucky at a junkyard (highly doubted)
2) Wait for a reply from Aisin, hopefully with a quote.
3) Order the part from Mitsubishi directly.
4) Ask a guy I know that lives in Japan to buy me a set over there and mail them to me (seems more feasible at this time).

Oh well I will update you all if I ever get a hold of a correct set of manual hubs.
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I finally installed the correct manual hubs, last time I ordered the wrong set, good thing amazon is awesome specially with prime service. As stated above the correct part number is FHM-002. I also installed a new JVC stereo unit with Bluetooth and microphone.

all of which takes me to the next question... is anyone interested on the stock stereo and c changer unit?



Update on the Aisin hubs is that they are working properly, I have not kept track of the mpgs yet. I did use the 4x4 once light mud so nothing crazy and they performed well. The advantage of ordering from amazon is that the part is actually made in Japan not the Chinese version.

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