PacS14 Montero 2.5 not really a build thread...yet.


Hahaha that's why we all drive the same vehicle... jvc stereos have been pretty good value for my last few vehicles and if I get another car I probably buy the same brand, they are good for what I need them to do.


MPG update with the manual hubs

Well the hubs work great, haven't taken much abuse yet as far as heavy wheeling or mudding, just enough to get my truck dirty every now and then. Average MPG as of now is 16 with 16.5 most times except when I let the wife drive it, then it goes down to 15 lol my guess is still the stop and go killing 1 mile or more when she drives, and I believe I would get way better mileage if I kept it under 65 mph, still most of my driving is between 65-75 mph most of the times with little to no stop and go and no traffic or inclines. I might break down and try the whole econologger thing again but is just too much fun to drive it the w a y I want to specially since gas is cheap.


So a couple of weeks ago I had the dreaded broken tailgate handle symptom. I ordered the part and I installed it yesterday after school, it had annoyed me enough not being able to use the rear cargo area.

New vs old

Old one out

New one in and done


So when I bought the truck I had a receipt for a timing belt change and I was happy to see that with the truck with less that 130k miles... well it turned out the shop that did it, literally just replaced the timing belt and left everything else there. I had the front cam seal leak on the passenger side and ruined my alternator voltage regulator and I finally decided it was time to do the whole thing right.

Old parts and new timing belt.

New parts and new timing belt installed

Old parts out

Now I have a newish timing belt for free if anyone wants it. I would not recommend the other parts I had a bad bearing sound every now and then and I thought it was the alternator, but is not so one of the pulleys or water pump was going bad. If you need the timing belt hit me up.

At this point I decided to fix my shaking mirrors with zip ties just like I saw on another post around here. Now I think that is the easiest best fix I have ever done.
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So when I bought the truck I had a receipt for a timing belt change and I was happy to see that with the truck with less that 130k miles... well it turned out the shop that did it, literally just replaced the timing belt and left everything else there. I had the front cam seal leak on the passenger side and ruined my alternator voltage regulator and I finally decided it was time to do the whole thing right.

Old parts and new timing belt.

New parts and new timing belt installed

Old parts out

Now I have a newish timing belt for free if anyone wants it. I would not recommend the other parts I had a bad bearing sound every now and then and I thought it was the alternator, but is not so one of the pulleys or water pump was going bad. If you need the timing belt hit me up.

At this point I decided to fix my shaking mirrors with zip ties just like I saw on another post around here. Now I think that is the easiest best fix I have ever done.

Do you by any chance have a link to the zip-tie fix for the mirrors?

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