OK so as I'm a college educated hick. I need light I personally feel the big led bars look dumb. I prefer and old school look similar to a KC light. So is there a good light I can add for faster driving off road and help finding camp at night. I live in Montana so snow is hear more than not. So would I need 2 sets like led for slower driving and Hid for the faster driving in open areas. I also need better lights on my service truck on call oilfield repair so at 2 am it's pretty dark and cow's are extremely expensive when you hit one.
I plan on adding the little Hella driving lights to the center inside of my front bumper. Have them angled way out to light tight nighttime corners up. Obviously when I have the road to myself only. My stock Ford XLT lights and fogs actually seem decent. (headlight bulbs in the fogs)
Then I'm adding some type of rectangle or oval Hella lights to my BackRack to illuminate behind me. Again, angled waay out to light my back corners. I'll likely use driving beams, not fog, so I can reach out over the bed. (not worried about glare off the bed, this is for better rear lights when I use my mirrors for backing up, and/or use as work lights)
I'd like to add a pair of Fyrlytes on a front bar over my bumper. But that's unlikely to happen soon. Too much $$$.
My goals for camping are more light towards the corners of the vehicle. That's the weak spots of a normal truck IME. And, powerful offroad lighting, is fairly useless in Ohio snow.
Anyone got better ideas before I pull the trigger on some of this?