The paint is from: and is #24087. The trailer is a 1951 Dunbar Kapple M100. Not sure if the paint color was used in '51, but I liked the shade of OD.
The hitch was made from both a male and female piece of receiver stock. It T's underneath to the next frame member where it's held in place by some grade 8, 1/4" bolts. I collapsed the 2 pieces together, bolted them in place and then welded the receiver pieces together.
The tail lamps are Duolamps from JC Whitney:
and are only $22 each.
The story on the trailer that I got was that it had a big old generator in it; which explains some of the holes that were in it. Some they cut with a torch (floor) some were cut with a hole saw, and others that were just shot in it. From the looks of it, someone must have stood it on end and used it as a target box. We must have welded up 40 holes of one size or another. The one I left open may get patched later or be used for a water line or gas line when I figure out the layout for the camp gear.
Making the M416 wheels fit.
We used a hydraulic ram to straighten out the sides, you can also see some of the holes we have to weld up.
Bedlined and Rustoleum rusty metal primer.
Finished. Sort of.