Pajero Mk2 SWB MIVEC Build


I like that idea Charlie. Is the header actually tack welded to the headlight/grill supports. I am still waiting on my truck to get shipped (what a PITA another story) but my plan was to try and pull the fender mounting bolts and bolts to the headlight support and pull the whole header when I do my swap. Is that possible with these trucks?


Well-known member
These are fully welded, spot welded that is. I cut mine wide such that I can add tabs under it and use 6mm bolts on each side to hold it in place.
This is the front of one of my '72 Colts as I am fitting a later engine, this shows how the factory used to have the removable header.


Those early 70's Colts with duel Mikuni Carbs were cool cars. Hard to keep em in tune tho, my 73' 240 was the same way, lots of balancing and tuning, but man when you got those SU's balanced right it was awesome! That V6 (6g74?) is going to better than double the horsepower of the original I41/36 in that car. Thats a cool project, rally car
mojo for sure.

Group 2 Cars were awesome guys driving production sedans way too fast on dirt!

I figured the header was spot welded, would have been too easy to just pull a couple bolts. My Gen 2 ships in three days... I am going to open that header up just to make working on the front of the engine a bit easier. Looking forward to the rest of the MIVEC build.


Well-known member
That "Blue Colt" of mine was an impressive car for many years. When a friend rode home with me when I got out of collage in Fla late '82 back to Conn, I had a loaded trailer with 3 motorcycles, my furniture, tool boxes and stuff. On that near 2K drive he felt I needed more low end torque. He lived in NYC, he soon found a 2.6 engine in a salvage yard on Staten island. It was literally new, like two miles on it. the D50 got hit on a drive from the dealer. He bought it and told me to come and get it. That being the earliest of 2.6 was a narrow block so it bolted up to my existing 5 speed.
Got the engine in the car and started driving it, stock engine did not impress me compared to the built 1600 that was "lively" Mind you that Colt was a 120mph car as it was, not the original 96mph the stock ones were.
So I bought a pair of 40mm Webers, new. Had a cam made with a Pinto circle track grind and that car came alive. Ran allot of track events and hillclimbs up till a made a mistake in June 2000, hit head on into rock ledge at a hillclimb, near 70mph impact with three tumbles.
In all those years I never needed to touch the carbs or engine. The engine is up in Nova Scotia now in a '74 Colt.
Here is a before and after of that car, The previous image with the V6 in it, you might notice the left side is new and there was no roof on it yet. I had not replaced the drivers side rollcage yet. I do not have allot of images of this since it predates the digital era.

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Well-known member
I am not 100# sure but I think I have now finished my work on the engine & transmission. Accessory mounting, belt guides, wires. Hoses, brackets. Made the bosses for the last sensors and welded them on. This was truly not a little 10 day task, well 11 months so far and many months to go.
We have a light rainy 50 something day out there. I had to get the heater back into my Colt after a one year old hose ruptured. Sure don't make them like they used to.
Time to pick up tools and find the floor to the shop, sweep it.
The winch on the Pajero is not working, I am thinking the brushes in the motor are stuck. This is a very young but 19YO Ramsey series wound motor. I am guessing road salt got to it. The new style relays confuse me, wish there was a wire diagram somewhere for the dang thing.
My camera is hanging on the motor, maybe I will shoot it.


Well-known member
I got something done today, it's in there. Might not need to come out either, unless I can not build the headers in chassis.
I gave up on getting the winch to run, Might be corrosion on a few terminals but I have a short weather window to get this task done. Going to be a few pics here, I use an antique Kubota for much of my lifting work, being we only have soft ground around here it suffices.
First task is get the engine out of the shop and turn the tractor around to lift it.



My wife got a shot of a few of our other Mitsu's

Now this Gen 1 was supposed to partake in activities here by being starapped to the Pajero and pull it uphill as I was feeding the engine into place, but no, it decided to run out of gas as I was hooking straps up.
I think it was easier for the Kubota to do all the work.


Well-known member
So I hung the assembly at the rear of the heads, turned out the pitch was just right,

And started to feed it in,

She did not get any shots of bringing it over the header since she was checking clearances as well, I am really glad to have cut the header out even though I am sure I could have done it with it in place.



Oh it is a good feeling to have it sitting in place, no bolts in yet and no Xmember under the trans yet.


That is all for today, the sun is over the yardarm, well the hill out back anyways.


Well-known member
Guess it is not all, I had intended to take a bunch of close ups and detail shots before I installed this, I find she shot a few and I cropped another.

The two larger hoses running back over the transmission are the rear heater, these now utilize brass hose connectors aft of the Tcase rather than trying to get at the back of the engine to service these.

The clear hoses at the back of the engine are the Tcase and transmission vents, I have both diffs and the driveline vents up as high as can be.



Well-known member
Fiddling with my winch a bit,
Hammer, nope.
Cleaning cable ends, nope.
Four Ramsey manuals later, Wiring has not been right, it is now, But nope.
Fiddling with it for a half hour, jumper cable ends are warm, very warm, STOP.
Oh well, Back to work.


Well-known member
When I got back to work I got the engine closer to position, then pulled the radiator out of hibernation and mounted it. I now need to make the hoses which will pretty much require rework of the lower radiator outlet, this I have been expecting all along. I am not 100% happy with the angle of the water outlet on the top of the engine either, it aims upward a touch which is not needed. I might rework it as well.
Here is a walk around,




And a few from the other side,


Allot more to do but this is where I am at.

One thing I am looking forward to is next year I can get back to building my airplane and towing these around so I can get out to play some more,
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This afternoon during a break in the rain I used my blue Gen 1 to push the Pajero into my basement shop, no pictures since my wife and I were plenty busy. Pulled the bonnet off and set it up on the roof rack so I have freedom to see and work.


Well-known member
Among other tasks I have started the airpipe from the filter to the Tbody, this will route under the upper water hose. This will have a blade type AFM in it as well. Not decided what type of filter yet.


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