Past the point of no return...


Wow…it looks great! I like the simplicity of the linkage set-up—can’t wait to see some pics of it in action.

Must be nice knowing you will never have to change a CV on the truck again. :sombrero:


Looks good but I bet you end up hating that FROR tranfercase crossmember. I have one on my 04 SAS Tacoma and the damn thing causes the whole truck to vibrate plus now my tranfercase leaks like a civ. Someone said on TTORA that they tried different bushings but never got it figured out.


American Adventurist
Pardon the quality but here are a few more shots of it on the ground and one of the steering linkage. The lift arms aren't all the way down and the rear axle is supported by jack stands at a level height. ALCAN says the packs should be ready after the first of the year. I'm pretty anxious (but probably not as anxious as the guys at IPOR) to see how the front end feels too. Might have to look at some blocks as a temporary solution. And if I hear of it in the rock garden while I'm on TAD there WILL be hell to pay... especially if I'm not there. And yes, that is a pretty sweet FJ55 in the background; a very well-maintained piggy.



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American Adventurist
Looks good but I bet you end up hating that FROR tranfercase crossmember. I have one on my 04 SAS Tacoma and the damn thing causes the whole truck to vibrate plus now my tranfercase leaks like a civ. Someone said on TTORA that they tried different bushings but never got it figured out.

Well that's just peachy - NOW you tell me. I've heard of a few reported concerns, too, and it may be a bushing issue - poly vice rubber. We will see...


Tango blue
you sure know how to tease us with the unlighted photos. looks great but please clearer and more revealing photos :victory:


American Adventurist
Tango blue
you sure know how to tease us with the unlighted photos. looks great but please clearer and more revealing photos :victory:

Gomen nasai... :eek:

I had to borrow a camera for those pics and most of the shop lights were off. I'm running around this weekend with my hair on fire getting caught up on honey-do's and other stuff before I go TDY again so maybe some more pics this next weekend with a few more items buttoned up.

But the good news is, penangtoy, you now know what to get me for Christmas... ;)


American Adventurist
Yes again. Going to require some stretching exercises to embark; at my age I don't want to fall and break my hip.

"They" say it will settle some; all suspensions normally do and it'll look a little more proportional with 315s on it.


I should hope so, that's generally a frame height you see on trucks with 37's and a lot of guys would consider that to be somewhat tall. Looking forward to glamour shots!


American Adventurist
You and me both! I'm wondering how to get in and out of it while wearing my kilt... just how does a gentleman ingress and egress while maintaining a level of modesty? :eek:

That could result in a set of "glamour" shots ending in a YouTube video. :yikes:
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Looks like a great job! It is pretty tall, you can probably work on spring rates and such to get it sitting a little lower if you so desire.

The roof on my Tundra is right at 91" and the bottom of the frame rails are at 25" with it sitting on 40's at 35 psig.


Looks fantastic, but I agree its a bit tall. My 4runner on 33's and SAS is at 22" to frame and still feels a bit tall.

I'm sure you will enjoy it ether way.


American Adventurist
Here are some new pics with just about everything associated with the SAC done. I got to take it for a spin on some local errands and it drives very nice, tracks straight and true, no bump steer to my feeling, brakes feel no different than before; haven't taken it on the highway yet, though mainly out of personal vanity -- the rear springs aren't in yet and I'd be too embarassed to be seen in it with the end dragging...

They aren't quite done with addressing the height issue either as some of you have observed -- there is still some fine tuning to be done with springs and some component placement yet. Naturally there is some visual distortion with the rear end sagging, too.

Also note the brake line job/routing and other tubing management for the axle breather and air line. They did a nice job fabricating some protection for the radiator too, with the thoughtful addition of a dimpled drain hole for the radiator petcock. Everything is put together with foresight for clearance and maintenance as well as protection. High level of attention to detail. I'd include a picture of Ryan who performed a lot of the work on the truck but his image next to the Tacoma just makes it appear even larger than it actually is; he's actually standing and waving at the camera on the passenger front tire side of the vehicle in the first picture. Talented little bugger.

You recall we chose the FROR Transfer Case Crossmember Mounting Bracket to replace the stock crossmember. Well, as one forum member later offered their best wishes for my appreciation of the product after my install, I have to admit it brought back a flood of memories from when I was a kid in the 70's. The truck now has what can be best compared to as "Magic Fingers," the retro, cheap motel vibrating mattress. Although it advertised "for your relaxation and comfort," I ain't buying it for my Tacoma. The crossmember bracket does offer an elegantly simple mounting solution, so we're not going to give up on it, and we'll experiment with some different dampening options other than the FROR-supplied poly bushings before trying another solution.

Your observations are always appreciated...






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Well-known member
Looks good! It really makes those tires look small, though!

General observation from post #81 don't you have to have hair for it to be on fire?

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