Petersons Ultimate Adventure Tundra


Well, my rig has now become part Suzuki Samurai…'s one of the only manufacturer's I hadn't sourced yet! I always try to take some good “lessons learned” notes away from our experiences on the UA and this year's theme was tight trails and huge dumbo mirrors don't play well together! So I decided to replace the factory mirrors with something with a little lower profile and also something that was readily available and wouldn't break the bank next time I decide to smear them down the side of my doors. Turns out that the mirrors on Tim Hardy's rig caught my eye this year since they were small, foldable, and had a mount I thought I could work with. The fixed portion of the factory mirror sticks out so far that they were getting hit often, and they're also very rigid, so when they would clip a tree the door would bend so bad that the windows wouldn't roll up. So after a little fab work, I now have very low-profile mirrors (they now stick out about 2" when folded vs about 7" before) that can be replaced for about $25 a piece and I can actually still see out of them for my daily commute as a bonus!







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i like that.. how do they hold up against wind resistance? my friend had similar mirrors on a Bronco 2 and at about 45 they would flop back against the door.


I was worried about them moving also, but if you tighten up the preload nut below the spring on the bottom side you can make them as difficult as you want to move. They do not shake at all at 75 MPH.


Had a great ride with the Georgia Cruisers Club this past Saturday in Tracy City. Andrea drove the entire day, figured it's about time for her to start getting some seat time so I was spotter & camera boy all day. It didn't take me long to realize that she's a natural for this stuff and was picking great lines on her I decided to shut up and try to learn a thing or two :D!











Your mirror tuck in tight. I all most thought you got your passenger side ripped off lol, lookin sweet :costumed-smiley-007


So you are selling both the KM2's and the MT/R's with Kevlar? But i still have a question for you. Which one did you prefer. I have my 17's sold and am going back to 16's and am having a really really hard time deciding which to go with. I have ran lots of sets of the old MT/R's and absolutely loved them. Now i am running the KM2's and they are also a great tire, but am really interested in the new MT/R. Would you suggest trying them or sticking to the KM2's. It will either be in a 285/75R16 or a 315/75R16. My truck will spend a fair share of its time on the highway but will also be on trails of all conditions and be on the trails of Moab!!!! Mud is also something that I don't look for, but if I have to, I will drive it just to do the trail.

And congrats on getting the "great attitude reinvite to the 2009 UA". Love the truck man.


So you are selling both the KM2's and the MT/R's with Kevlar? But i still have a question for you. Which one did you prefer. I have my 17's sold and am going back to 16's and am having a really really hard time deciding which to go with. I have ran lots of sets of the old MT/R's and absolutely loved them. Now i am running the KM2's and they are also a great tire, but am really interested in the new MT/R. Would you suggest trying them or sticking to the KM2's. It will either be in a 285/75R16 or a 315/75R16. My truck will spend a fair share of its time on the highway but will also be on trails of all conditions and be on the trails of Moab!!!! Mud is also something that I don't look for, but if I have to, I will drive it just to do the trail.

And congrats on getting the "great attitude reinvite to the 2009 UA". Love the truck man.

I got rid of the MT/R's and I'm currently running the KM2's. Plan on going with 39" blue label Krawlers when they come out next spring. BFG's work better for me personally, the MT/R's did ok but wouldn't be my first choice.

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