I don't so much have an addiction to Vista, it's more a mortal fear of changing because I just know it will be a week of pain getting everything to work, only to find out that 2 of my all-time useful progs don't run at all or something like that.
So...load those programs on the Win7 machine that isn't business critical and see what it does. Or run it in VMware or something and play safe.
My wife uses W7 all day, frankly I don't see why it's any better than Vista. Seems to do all the same stuff.
Okay, I am writing this response on a Mac, but I run Win7 frequently (using Parrallels), however, it's been forever since I ran Vista, but here's what I remember of my initial impressions between the two:
1. Speed: Win7 boots significantly faster
2. Speed: You can plug in a cheap 8GB USB memory stick and use it as a dedicated RAM drive, Win7 prompts you do this if I recall.
3. Speed: The Search function in Win7 is SIGNIFICANTLY improved over anything prior to it. It is incredibly fast, and filters your search results by program, file, contacts, etc...It is faster to type "Calc" in the search bar than it is to pick Start, and scroll the mouse over to the Calculator app. The Search bar just brings it all to your fingertips immediately.
4. Speed: With the ability to Pin darn near anything to the task bar, accessing whatever you want, rapidly, is super easy
5. Speed: It has a built in meta aggregator function. If you have your documents spread out over a dozen different places on your home network, you can simple point to those places, and they will all appear in the Documents folder. They aren't moved, they are just cached in Meta. THis is also why Search works so well.
6. Screen control. The ability to "dock" various windows and dialogue boxes to the left, right, top and bottom is HUGLEY useful on a bigger monitor. It is super easy to compartmentalize your screen with a number of open windows into various things, allowing you to work the system much faster and more directly. I guess this would be SPEED again, eh? Docking the windows is SO ADDICTING, that I installed Hyperdock on my Mac so that it can do the same thing. Yes, Win7 has much better windows management than Mac OSX. it's true.
Another reason for my inertia is that I'm not much into my photography at present, I'm spending all my time designing electronic gizmos. But OTOH that means it's a good time to swap because it gives me time to get it sorted before I start creating a lot of new images. Also the "designing electronic gizmo" thing does give me the cash to buy a new laptop.
I can relate to this. A few years ago the economy swatted me aside like a discarded coffee cup, and I had to sell all my toys, including my off road rigs. For me, the world kinda went colorless and gray as a result. I just have not had any joy. There is no great hope for the next adventure, because I have no means with which to bring that adventure to fruition. As a result, its been VERY difficult to work up any enthusiasm to go out and shoot photos. The style of photography that I enjoy is outdoors based adventure stuff. If I can't go out and do it, shooting it on camera just doesn't happen.
However, I did have to get a new laptop for work, and I am really enjoying my MacBookPro Retina! It's a really nicely done piece of gear, and running Parrallels, the OS is transparent. It doesn't matter what OS any given program runs in, it just opens in it's own window, they all run simultaneously.