Just here...
4" with 33s. Roof to ground: front: 89" rear of van: 90"
That is not that bad at all. I think my D1 was taller sitting on 255/85s. I am looking to get a shorter version of what you have. Did you open the wheelwells up or do the flares make it seem bigger? Has anyone opened the wells at all? I am wondering if there is enough room with that lift to put slightly taller rubber in there?
YES!! I'm glad to see another 4x4 vanner wheelin the snot out of their rig! I've been given a lot of **** for building my 4x4 shorty, but I keep telling these fools to just wait... My buddies are gonna crap their pants the first time we go vertical and all they can see is blue a van! lol
Thank you for posting this as well. I am looking for a van because my wife wants to be able to sleep inside if possible. I want something that I can also take to ORV parks and trails and have fun with. The photos you quoted make me confident that I will be able to do just that.