Hi Moe,
Many thanks for the analysis, and I agree, it may be just a cost issue. But mine is not really a research project, in the sense of being just verbal and quantitative analysis. Rather, it's a
design project. I am currently attending design school, so my project will be a concept vehicle, complete with models and illustrations.
Sure, in the end it's just the MFA-exercise of a student. But you might be surprised how much long-term effect some of these design exercises can have…. Often transportation designers do their best work – in the sense of most innovative – when completing their MFA's. Because once we begin working in the industry, there’s a tendency for creativity to ossify. There is a big market for independent industrial design studios, for instance, because companies often find that their own in-house designers simply lack the breadth and distance necessary to create truly innovative products.
1. Studio Syn and Christopher C. Deam
For instance, when Knaus Tabbert decided to shake up the trailer industry a bit, and create a conceptual
"caravan-of-the-near-future" – a technology carrier that would test innovative design, materials, and products in concert – Knaus Tabbert did not go in-house. Rather, for their
“Caraviso” concept-trailer, Knaus Tabbert turned to an independent design-studio called
“Studio Syn” – see
http://www.examiner.com/article/knaus-tabbert-caravisio-the-shape-of-caravans-to-come ,
http://www.studio-syn.de/en/studio/category/ueberblick ,
http://www.studio-syn.de/en/projects/category/alle_projekte ,
ttp://www.studio-syn.de/en/projects/article/caravisio1 ,
http://www.studio-syn.de/en/projects/article/caravisio ,
http://www.knaus.de/knaus/neuheiten-2014/caravisio-2014.html ,
http://www.knaus.de/en/knaus/novelties-2014/caravisio-2014.html ,
http://www.gizmag.com/caravisio-camper-concept/28978/ , and
http://www.carscoops.com/2013/09/caravisio-caravan-will-cruise-you-into.html :
Likewise, when Airstream began realizing that it’s customer base was significantly aging, and that it had to update its interiors or die, it turned to Christopher C. Deam, a wonderfully creative, outside, independent designer – see
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/g...s-airstreams-interior-up-to-date-qa.html?_r=0 ,
http://www.curbly.com/users/diy-maven/posts/1198-trailer-chic-the-vision-of-christopher-deam ,
http://www.cdeam.com/projects/discipline/airstream ,
http://www.cdeam.com/project/international ,
http://www.cdeam.com/project/sterling ,
http://www.designaddict.com/design_index/index.cfm/Christopher_C._Deam , and
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/intl-sterling/ :
Now to be sure, most American motorhome manufacturers seem forced to offer interiors that are best described as "colonial kitsch", with color choices ranging from plaid green to brown plaid, because that's what the American market demands. Just contrast the interior of the typical mid-market American motorhome with the interior of a German Hymer. Even a few Airstreams sold in the United States still offer colonial kitsch cabinetry – see
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/classic/photos-decor/ :
But this market-led mentality has limits, because often customers do not even know
that they might like something different, until they actually
see something different. And until Airstream hired Christopher C. Deam, Airstream interiors were not that different. Deam describes the situation in a NY Times article:
"What I found was, you had this great streamlined aerodynamic modern exterior, and then you opened the door and it was like grandma’s kitchen. There was a disconnect between the exterior and the interior. You approached the trailer and there was the magic promise of the future, and you walk in and it was like a log cabin on wheels. What we decided was, we had to do some kind of archaeology, stripping it down and getting rid of all the gewgaws and clunky interior, and taking it back to something really essential. I simplified it and emphasized the horizontal lines and put in a lot of fluid, curved laminates." -
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/g...s-airstreams-interior-up-to-date-qa.html?_r=0 .
Because of Deam, Airstream’s product line now feels more “European”, which Airstream signals by designating the trailers “International” in the American market – see
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/intl-signature/photos-decor/ ,
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/intl-serenity/photos-decor/ , and
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/intl-sterling/photos-decor/ :
Also see
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/eddie-bauer/photos-decor/ ,
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/land-yacht/photos-decor/ ,
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/sport/photos-decor/ , and
http://www.airstream.com/travel-trailers/flying-cloud/photos-decor/ . Many of the Airstream trailers spec’d for the European market also seem to have been designed by Deam – see
http://www.airstream-germany.com/index.html and
http://www.airstream-germany.de/download/Airstream2013de.pdf . The irony here, of course, is that these wonderful trailers were dreamt up by a superb
American designer, and in that sense, there is really nothing "international" about them at all!
As you might appreciate, there is a potentially big economic payoff here, because Airstream has now achieved even more product differentiation vis-a-vis the saturated American market for caravans. Airstreams were already a rather unique product to begin with, because of their exteriors. Now (most of them) are also unique because of their interiors, too.
2. The 1990’s “haute-IKEA” aesthetic of German Expedition RV’s
The world of really big, off-road-capable RV’s is, for the most part, German –
pace Earthroamer, GXV, Tiger, etc. As such, the interiors of UniCats and ActionMobils have not resembled grandma’s colonial-kitsch-kitchen for quite some time. But even still, in comparison to the wider German RV industry, UniCat and ActionMobil interiors do seem a bit dated.
One might charitably describe the interiors of many UniCats and ActionMobils as
“haute-IKEA” , in the sense that a 90-degree, rectilinear, T-square aesthetic predominates, of the sort that characterized IKEA furniture back in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. Again, see
http://www.actionmobil.com/en/4-axle/interior-design ,
http://www.actionmobil.com/en/3-axle/globecruiser ,
http://www.actionmobil.com/en/3-axle/atacama ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/MXXL24AH.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/pdf/UNICAT-MXXL24AH-MAN8x8-en-es.pdf ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX70HDQ-MANTGA6x6.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX70HDQ-MANTGA6x6-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX70HDM-MBActros6x6.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX70HDM-MBActros6x6-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX63HDSC-MANTGA6x6.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX63HDSC-MANTGA6x6-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX70HD2M-MANTGA6x6.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX70HD2M-MANTGA6x6-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX63HDM-MANTGA6x6.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX63HDM-MANTGA6x6-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX63HD-MANM4x4CC.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX63HD-MANM4x4CC-2.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX58HD-MANTGA4x4.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX58HD-MANTGA4x4.php ,
http://www.unicat.net/en/info/EX45HD-UnimogU5000.php , and
http://www.unicat.net/en/pics/EX45HD-UnimogU5000-2.php .
Sure, I love the "New York loft" sense of space provided by the UniCat pop-ups, and this format has since been followed by other fabricators, for instance, GXV – see
http://globalxvehicles.com ,
http://globalxvehicles.com/vehicles/ ,
http://globalxvehicles.com/global-expedition-vehicle-pangea-4x4-rv/ ,
http://globalxvehicles.com/gxv-pangea-gallery/ , and
http://www.examiner.com/slideshow/gxv-launch-pangea-expedition-vehicle-with-vertical-slide#slide=1 . But, if anything, the GXV “Pangea” interior strikes me as even more doggedly utilitarian and lacking in contemporary design sophistication, than anything produced by UniCat.
[Brief aside: If memory serves, it seems that it was ActionMobil who first pioneered box-style pop-ups in expedition motorhomes. But please correct me if I am wrong about this.]
The pity here is that the interiors of Germany's non-expedition, “regular” motorhomes are usually
very well-designed, and are decidedly more contemporary than most American mid-market models. The German designers who work for Ketterer, Hymer, Westfalia, EuraMobil, Knaus Tabbert, etc. all seem to handle curvilinear asymmetry with aplomb – see for instance
http://www.ketterer-trucks.de/en/models/category/c/travel-motorhomes/model/continental-12000-2.html ,
http://www.hymer.com/en/ ,
http://www.hymer.com/en/models/integrated/hymer-starline/experience/ ,
http://www.hymer.com/assets/files/m...e/epaper-STARLine_englisch/epaper/ausgabe.pdf ,
http://www.westfalia-mobil.net/en/ ,
http://www.westfalia-mobil.net/en/modelle/amundsen/amundsen-allgemein.php ,
http://www.euramobil.de/integraline_ls_galerie.html?&L=1&L=1 , and
http://www.euramobil.de/integra_galerie.html?&L=1&L=1 :
But none of this German curvilinear design expertise seems to spill over into expedition motorhomes, even though UniCat and ActionMobil are just down the road, and both are German-speaking companies.
For what it’s worth, high-end American luxury coach manufacturers like Newell, Liberty, Marathon, Featherlite, and Millenium also try to deliver more contemporary, curvilinear interiors – see for instance
http://www.newellcoach.com/the-coaches/photo-gallery/ and
http://www.newellcoach.com/newell-coaches/coach-1508/ . But on my own view, Newell seems to handle curvilinear asymmetry less successfully than Hymer or Euromobil, and costs 3 or 4 times as much.
So cost is not the only constraint. Either you have the designers and craftsmen who can pull off a Hymer interior, or you don’t. I suspect that ActionMobil and UniCat could have more contemporary, curvilinear interiors too, if customers began demanding as much. But until customers do, their interiors will probably continue to seem driven mostly by engineering considerations.
3. Courageous Color, ARC, and Art Deco
My other quibble with the RV industry in general, is that it plays things rather “safe” when handling color. If one compares the interiors of almost all of the above brands – European and American, regular RV and expedition RV – to the new Airstream interiors, one huge, glaring difference becomes obvious: the color choices of most motorhome manufacturers tend to be muted, a restricted palette of whites, greys, browns, and blacks. Whereas Airstream, since it hired Deam, has developed the courage to handle strong, vibrant interior color, and a dramatic mixture of materials.
However, even the interiors of the newest Airstream trailers still seem a bit tame when compared to the interiors created by the bespoke conversion specialist, “American Retro Caravan”, or “ARC” – see
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/refits/retro ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/category/retro-airstreams/ ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/2013/02/the-airstream-safari-with-the-egg-shaped-hole/ ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/2013/02/a-closer-look-at-that-luxury-padded-bedroom/ ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/refits/luxury ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/category/luxury-airstreams/ ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/refits/corporate ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/category/corporate-airstreams/ ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/refits/catering-and-bars ,
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/category/catering-airstreams/ , and
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/blog/category/cafe-airstream/ :
What really impresses me about ARC is their courageous color choices (split-complementaries like red + blue-green, blue + yellow-orange); their mastery of curvilinear, aluminum-detailed cabinetry; their asymmetrical layouts; and the retro details throughout – port-hole windows, jet-engine spot-lamps, and circular-grilled air vents, for instance -- see
http://www.ehow.com/facts_5649966_split-complementary-color-scheme_.html ,
http://www.incolororder.com/2011/11/art-of-choosing-split-complementary.html , and
http://www.tigercolor.com/color-lab/color-theory/color-harmonies.htm . Sure, most people will not want over-the-top, vibrant color in a motorhome that they have to live in, day-in, day-out. And the more colorful ARC designs tend to be catering, café, and bar trailers. But check out some of the moderate ARC designs, where they still use color in strategic, calibrated ways to give interiors a sense of spaciousness and joy -- see
http://www.arcairstreams.co.uk/refits/retro .
My strong design preference has always been for Art Deco and Streamline, although nowadays these tend to be rebranded as neo-Deco, diesel-punk, deco-punk, glam, retro, etc. I am an avid follower of "Lord K's Garage" diesel-punk blog, for instance – see
http://www.dieselpunks.org and
http://www.dieselpunks.org/profiles/blog/list?user=0n7d9yl571cmt . I partly grew up in South Florida, and fell in love with South Beach
"Tropical Deco" as a kid. Many of ARC’s more colorful trailers – the Apollo 70 in particular – have interiors best described as
“Miami Deco” – see
http://www.amazon.com/Tropical-Deco-Architecture-Design-Miami/dp/0847803457 ,
http://www.pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=miami deco ,
http://www.pinterest.com/search/boards/?q=tropical deco ,
http://www.apollo70.co.uk ,
http://www.beautifullife.info/interior-design/apollo-70-airstream-bar/ ,
http://brosome.com/the-apollo-70-airstream-bar-is-the-perfect-place-to-have-a-drink/ and
http://hiconsumption.com/2014/03/apollo-70-airstream-bar/ .
For me, Art Deco is the modernist design-aesthetic that
should have dominated the 20th century. But for whatever reason, lots of people found the puritanical-minimalist, black-white-grey, Bauhaus rectilinearism of Mies-and-co ever so convincing, perhaps because it was so cheap on the details and color paint? Remember, I am German, so perhaps I am “allowed” to take a swing at Mies and the Bauhaus….

The 1990’s/early 2000’s rectilinearism of IKEA is then the direct descendant of this Bauhaus aesthetic, as are most UniCat and ActionMobil interiors.
However things have changed dramatically in architecture and design since the 1990’s, and over the last 10 years
“organic-tech” and
"blobitecture" have displaced modernist rectilinearism. In effect, these are curvilinear, organic outgrowths of
"hi-tech" architecture, made possible by CAD -- see
http://www.kuriositas.com/2011/01/blobitecture-rise-of-organic.html ,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Grimshaw ,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santiago_Calatrava , and
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_high-tech .
And as demonstrated above, German RV manufacturers like Wesfalia, Hymer, Euramobil, etc. have been offering more curvilinear interiors for quite some time. One could even say that the Art Deco/Streamline aesthetic never really disappeared, persisting in certain design niches, transportation design in particular. If only because rectilinear, squared-edged vehicles are not very functional, i.e they're not aerodynamic.
So let’s just say that, even though UniCat and ActionMobil are not building grandma’s colonial kitchen, they are now roughly 2 decades behind the times, vis-à-vis wider design trends. Their engineering is no doubt top-notch, and Victorian quite rightly defended UniCat's careful engineering and craftsmanship in an earlier post. But just take a look at the links above, check out Wesfalia, Hymer, Euramobil, et al, compare for yourself, and everything that I have written here may seem somewhat self-evident.
4. Back to Engineering
Now don’t worry, I realize that the bulk of this post was
very off-topic, because this is an engineering thread, about 3-point pivoting sub-frames. But just thought I should state all the above, so there’s no mystery as to where I am coming from. I am a designer, who wants to poke the expedition-RV industry a bit, with a concept vehicle that breaks a few unwritten rules.
It's easy enough to create wild designs that have no basis in engineering reality, and the world of transportation design is littered with concept vehicles that never got built, because they can't be built -- at least not cost-effectively. It's much harder to think through the incremental changes that are much less dramatic, but that, over time, can cumulatively revolutionize a given vehicle-type.
For instance, my suspicion is that companies like ActionMobil and UniCat are still mounting camper bodies on 3-point pivoting sub-frames mainly due to inertia, and not just cost. I may be wrong about this, and this needs investigation. But it's at least a possibility. A fully integrated off-road mobile home would be highly desirable, and perhaps not that much additional engineering is necessary to pull it off. This might be an "incremental" change, from an engineering point of view, but one that would change the game dramatically from a design point of view, with significant consequences for overall interior plans, layouts, the efficient use of limited space, etc. Similarly, I suspect that ActioMobil and UniCat are still doing 1990’s-style
“haute-IKEA”, perhaps because customers have not demanded more. It sort of takes an outsider like me to come along and say,
“Hey, why couldn’t you do x, y, or z instead?”
By far the best way to do
that, in the world of design, is by presenting alternative imagery.
I’ll keep you posted, but in another thread….
All best wishes, and many thanks for your feedback,