I watched some kayak builds on YouTube the other day and they were using these long boards for finishing off their fibreglassed externals. Looked really good and produced a beautiful finish on a curved surface. I was thinking of maybe using one on my build. I don't want to highjack pods8 thread but how flexible are the boards? Would they work as well on a flat surface or would I be better off with just a random orbital?
Sorry if deemed a hijack in response. The beauty of the long boards for sanding is that you get a large area covered evenly versus a small area possibly unevenly as with hand sanding. It may seem like an even job is done with a small sander but once the gloss coat goes on any minor hump or hollow is exaggerated. May not matter much in some quarters but on yachts where the beauty is in the lines, it mattered much. I guess the same can be said for camper lines too. On surfaces meant to be flat in apperance, humps and hollows can easily be avoided using a long board that is rigid enough to absorb the pressure applied by the arms to do the job. For curved surfaces i would use ply that is thick enough to 'just' take the shape of the curve under pressure. For flat surfaces I would use timber with very little flex at all. The sanding action is important too. Always keep the strokes moving around and never sand in one place too long. Spot sand for obvious bumps but use the long board to get large areas flat (or curved areas curved smoothly whatever is required).