Like others here, I am hoping this is just a minor hiccup. This build is one of my favorites. I hope you stick with it and things work out.
...some strong sun will likely be the true test.
[/At this point I'm stewing on the implications. I'm leaning towards taking the painted top half off and setting it out in the sun and seeing what happens. If its just those spots that are of issue I'll likely drill two holes in each and inject epoxy from one hole to vent out the other just to back fill and support the skin. If it happens all over, well that just sorta sucks... I can live with a couple cosmetic bumps I had to back fill at this stage if that's all it is, mass delamination would mean structural instability though.
Oh my! I didn't want to see this lastest development..especially since I am building a hardside foam camper with the essentially the same process.
Can you get to the area from the back side? If so On the the painted delam area I wonder if you could drill injection holes possibly on a 1/2" pattern from the back side.You might even go well beyond the bubble with the injection holes to prevent further delamination.Of course you would use a drill stop on the bit set at the foam thickness.Not sure if you can push the area down again. Epoxy in the holes would actually be the "key" not the 80 grit sand scratches. Just a thought to consider.
It doesn't help now but halfway through my build( still not finished ) I switched from sanding the foam to scratching the foam with a pet hair brush before glassing. I found it had much better key effect. I am no expert by any means but I think this initial bond needs all the help it can get.
Might have to wait a couple months for strong sun. sigh
Next Mon-Wend is supposed to be 60 and sunny, we can get strong sun here over the winter.
Update 8 (101hrs in):
I watched some kayak builds on YouTube the other day and they were using these long boards for finishing off their fibreglassed externals. Looked really good and produced a beautiful finish on a curved surface. I was thinking of maybe using one on my build. I don't want to highjack pods8 thread but how flexible are the boards? Would they work as well on a flat surface or would I be better off with just a random orbital?