You have a really great project going on. On your chart you list really good prices for resin, fiberglass, and foamular.
I was wondering where you get your supplies?
What brand resin? and how many gallons of resin are you using in the build?
Foam: Local commercial building supply yard, not really relevant unless you're local to me. To find a supplier I sent a message to owens corning asking if anyone in my geographic region bought and/or stocked foamular 600. (I actually looked into 400, 600, and 1000 there wasn't too much price increase between 250 which is available at home depot to 600 but to jump to 1000 it was a substantial increase).
Glass: I ordered some 125yd rolls through thayercraft, I think stuff ran me about $3.5/yd once shipping was factored in. Another source to keep an eye on for BULK is discountcomposite but keep in mind you'll be getting a single roll of whatever yardage they have available that you select so factor in your ability to handle it in terms of weight if you are thinking of ordering one.
Resin: I'm using uscomposites 635 system with the 4:1 hardener. I think after shipping I paid about $47/gal (and in my case that is shipping from FL to WA). I'd have to go look at how much resin I currently have left in stock but I suspect I've probably used about 9gal so far which has gotten all the lower cores assembled, laminated (3plys exterior and for the most part 2plys interior), and glued together. I haven't yet "taped" across both sides of the joint yet.
Edit: Since I'm posting. I've done some camping so progress has slowed but the current status of things are I finished laminating that last lower wall core (passenger wall rear portion) and epoxied/filleted that into place as well. Then I sanded all the exterior joints to smooth everything out and also scuff sanded the fiberglass about 6" back from the joints on both the outside and inside (also scuffed up the epoxy fillet on the inside), this is to give the "tape" layers a good bonding surface. Cleaned up the garage a bit after that and I'm ready to start the "tape" plys. However I have another trip this weekend as well...