He dribbles...he shoots....he scores!!
Hi guys,
Yes, I'm still alive but on days like today when our heat index is 106°, I wonder sometimes because it feels like Hell! ?? Still, it's much better than being in the middle of a hurricane like a bunch of other folks are.
Now, that I'm 65 y/o and officially a Senior Citizen, I don't sleep at night so I find things to entertain me on the internet, one of which is checking my local FB Market place for used items for sale. A couple of days ago I came across a RV Awning for sale.
It's a brand new 14’ x 8'
ShadeMaker Roll-up Awning with hardware for an RV, never used and still in the tube/box for $300.00, and it was only about 20 minutes from to me. The seller said they paid $665.00 for it in 2014, but I found a dealer for ShadeMaker and priced the exact awning at $1,215.00.
My ambulance body is around 12’ long, so it’s too long to fit properly. However, there is a way to cut these things down and make them shorter in length, but it’s a little bit involved.
Even if I don’t use it on the ambulance camper, I’ve been thinking about building a small 14' x 8' ground level deck on the front of my house which faces west, so I could put a couple of chairs out there and watch the sunset in the evenings. I also wanted to get a retractable awning of some sort to go over it, and a 14’ x 8' awning is exactly what I would need for that space. I’ve looked at those Sun Setter Awnings, but they are in the $1,000.00 range also. So, this awning will most likely go on the house and I'll hold out for a F65 Fiamma Awning, which seems to fit the Wheeled Coach bodies with their 45° corners better that any of the others, Plus, they don't require the vertical supports to be in place to support the roller while it's in the stored position.
Anyway, this is what I got...
The color is Vulcan Gray, and since my house has white vinyl siding and brick, with a gray roof, it should match pretty well.
I carried it home strapped to the passenger's side of my truck. The seller kept asking me how I was going to get it inside my truck and even volunteered to take it to my house in his trailer. I told him thanks, but I got this! He was so impressed by this method, he got his wife to run inside and get his cell phone so he could take a couple of pictures of it.
Us Southern boys know how to 'Git-R-Done!