lol replies the guy with the hashtag vintage racer, But yes it does matter because all those racing stats set the course to direct everyday transporation design and engineering and development. Do you buy the pickup with the worst hauling stats or the best stats. Same for the guys designing what we drive. They look at those racing, hauling, speed champions and design the cars we buy. Even Honda used Formula One. The record holder for Pikes Peak is a pure electric VW.Racing, speed and quarter mile champs means NOTHING when discussing TRANSPORTATION vehicles used for everyday TRANSPORTATION!
?????No real “cut job” on a Tesla yet though!
In New Delhi when I was there 6 years ago even all the TukTuks had converted.
These were all diesel, now they are all CNG. In third world India...
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You're in Amsterdam?
We've been all over Europe, but we've never been there- we were going to fly in to Amsterdam to inspect a U2150L38 (former French fire truck), but decided to go a different direction.
Expect plenty of incentives over the next 10 years to make the pure electric vehicle the standard. And public acceptance is growing fast especially with the success of the electric bicycle.
Its coming but it takes a positive mind set to get there.
Europe's highly populated and I don't know if you'd be far from a charger. America's spread out aside from the cities it's way less densely populated. When electric's can recharge as fast as someone pumping fuel they'll be viable here. They're ideal for urban use for home owners who can recharge overnight. If I was living in an apartment complex good luck competing for the sparse chargers if any.Yes I also have a classic MR2 next to our 4x4 diesel.
But you also post a Prius on a race track. And a Model 3 next to an RS6.
The big news should be that there are now commuter cars almost as fast as an RS6.
This Model 3 is sold a lot, it is very fast, yet it can be the most efficient car on the road.
And guess what, if you drive around on the street, do you see everybody racing? Is everybody using their car on the race track?
No, people are getting from A to B. An electric car will do that far better, more efficient and more comfortable.
Here in Europe we have lots of normal cars also in diesel. And even these new cars smell like hell.
Getting stuck in a traffic jam in a tunnel around Amsterdam is the worst, even though there are many new cars.
We're in debt up to our ears in America. 11 million at least not paying into Social Security and Medicare funding and still sucking up entitlements. 1/3 of California residents are on some kind of relief. With Biden's border crisis the people expecting a free ride is rising exponentially . Kamala visited El Paso where the Wall is up. Maybe a trip to the Rio Grande would have been more educationa?lIn Canada we borrow from the bank to pay for incentives. Between Prov& Fed debt each of us now owes about $55,000. You want to borrow more?