Polluting vehicle restrictions in Europe

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Dendy Jarrett

Expedition Portal Admin
Staff member
I'm sending up a red flare warning shot here. This thread is slipping into a political discussion which are not allowed and against the terms of use.
Please don't go there.


There is absolutely nothing green about electric vehicles. They arent even safe, the self drive feature is a fabrication (lie) as the cant see around corners or obstacles to warn against someone about to T bone you. Any emissions are directly transferred to the power plants. Energy is not a resource, it must be created before it can be consumed.
Imagine the pollution when all of that electricity demand is placed on power plants. Hell the power plants cant even keep up with demands we currently have without blackouts.
The range of these vehicles is beyond comical, stop and plug in for 2hours just to drive 300 miles. Its beyond stupid....


Well-known member
The tech isn't there for electric vehicles. Not even taking into consideration the source of the electricity being used, the use of electricity doesn't even offset the emissions of the vehicle and component production.
The environmental impact of mining lithium is incredibly disgusting considering its also extremely difficult and polluting to recycle them so they just end up being disposed of creating even more of an environmental issue.
The pollution created building these disposable electric vehicles also isn't taken into account. People will buy and upgrade to new models as quickly as they do with the latest iPhone or Galaxy. There are already electric vehicle boneyards of unrepairable electric vehicles wasting away. Wasted Resources.


Desert Dweller
There is absolutely nothing green about electric vehicles. They arent even safe, the self drive feature is a fabrication (lie) as the cant see around corners or obstacles to warn against someone about to T bone you. Any emissions are directly transferred to the power plants. Energy is not a resource, it must be created before it can be consumed.
Imagine the pollution when all of that electricity demand is placed on power plants. Hell the power plants cant even keep up with demands we currently have without blackouts.
The range of these vehicles is beyond comical, stop and plug in for 2hours just to drive 300 miles. Its beyond stupid....
User name checks out.


Well-known member
Any emissions are directly transferred to the power plants.
The positive thing about that is it is easier to keep one powerplant running clean than one million cars. As technology evolves, one power plant can be upgraded but 0ne million old cars will never get better. Plus the big plus of an e-vehicle, you can make electricity at home but ya can't make gasoline.


Well-known member
The positive thing about that is it is easier to keep one powerplant running clean than one million cars. As technology evolves, one power plant can be upgraded but 0ne million old cars will never get better. Plus the big plus of an e-vehicle, you can make electricity at home but ya can't make gasoline.

One powerplant can't charge one million cars in addition to the powering the 200,000 or so homes and infrastructure that one average powerplant is capable of nor can the current grid support it. Nice try.

You gonna make that electricity with a gas generator?


Listen to yourself, to create electricity at home requires MORE pollution. Solar panels and toxic batteries dont just fall from the sky because you want to charge your car at home. Solar is already available to everyone. How many people are using it? On a global scale how many people are currently using solar at home? Not very dam many.

Trust me it isnt going to be ONE power plant. The United States cant keep up with our current demand for electricity without having blackouts every year. Imagine the number of power plants that will litter the horizon when everyone has to charge their car every 3 or 4 hours. Imagine the number of charge stations littering the country side along the interstates, townships, etc.... I wont even get into the dangers of lithium batteries in motorvehicles..... The last one i watched online that wrecked ruptured the battery and it instantly turned into a violent ball of flames burning both people to death in the blink of an eye.

Its utter stupidity, imagine how many charge stations would be required if everyone had to drive an electric vehicle. Instead of truck stops you would have charge stops covering 100's of acres because you arent going to pull up to a gas pump, fill your tank and be back on the road in 10 minutes. You will pull up to a charge station, plug in and sit for the next 2 or 3 hours while the guy behind you sits and waits on you to move for two or three hours before he can charge his. Its a pipe dream and isnt going to happen, at least not in this century.

All of that stuff has to be manufactured, constructed, and maintained which also creates pollution. Electric vehicles are a fraud and will do nothing to lower emissions on this planet.
Not unless someone invents some miracle source of energy. Lets throw up another 20,000 nuclear power plants in the USA, theres a great idea, look what Fukishima did for the entire world and the environment. That was also just one power plant...

There is no interest in going all electric, if there was, the United States would be investing in mass transit systems such as mag lev trains to give people options to get them out of their vehicles. We see nothing of the type happening in this country. Yes its easier to keep one power plant running than 1 million cars. Fukishima kind of proved to the world that theory isnt true in the least. I would much rather have the emissions from 1 million gas guzzlers than the pollution one power plant called Fukishima released on the world.
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Oil eater.
There is absolutely nothing green about electric vehicles. They arent even safe, the self drive feature is a fabrication (lie) as the cant see around corners or obstacles to warn against someone about to T bone you. Any emissions are directly transferred to the power plants. Energy is not a resource, it must be created before it can be consumed.
Imagine the pollution when all of that electricity demand is placed on power plants. Hell the power plants cant even keep up with demands we currently have without blackouts.
The range of these vehicles is beyond comical, stop and plug in for 2hours just to drive 300 miles. Its beyond stupid....
Agreed 1000%. I think the hybrids are a good compromise for now.


Active member
Wow what a load of BS in this topic.

This week I charged my EV directly from my own solar system on my offgrid house. The offgrid house uses batteries from crashed electric vehicles. So guess what, the batteries don't even need to be recycled, they can be just used as is. Perfect for stationary purposes.
The battery from our EV is still at 98.5% capacity after 4 years so that can last too.

Indeed the solar panels and EVs themselves aren't falling from the sky and need to be produced. Just like regular power plants and cars.
The energy is falling from the sky though :p

And all the nonsense about fastchargers which you barely use in reality.

Anyway, as long as EVs don't fit your use case, hybrids are the second best.

From a thermal efficiency point of view they can run as efficient as diesels (sometimes better) but without all the pollution.


Well-known member
It's only BS until you try it on a large scale. Tech isn't there and it would be an ecological disaster for certain areas and countries.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
I am closing this thread and sending a strong reminder to some members that this forum is about overland travel (you know, using a 4x4 or a motocycle to drive around the world...)
It seems like some of you prefer to discuss politics or social challenges. You may want to check other forums.
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