Post favorite pics of your rig and trailer


New member
its one of the tough pelican boxes. I mounted two screws that stick out on the opening top. That is how it being held on... the top, has the head sticking out and on the bottom the threads sticks out. I mount the heater on the outside, using the headed screw on top and use a butterfly screw on the bottom to tighten. I connected a hose quick connect to the heater and also to the tank end hose the sticks out the bottom of the trailer. Its about a 7ft hose. I bought an adapter so I can connect 1lb gas bottles to the gas hose that comes with the make more portable. I did consider installing pump in the box to make it that much more portable, but since I still needed a battery and water source, I decide to keep it on the trailer.
Every thing fits inside for storage box with room for a changing tent. As for the water thank I go that on line, had a local guy build me a stand that I can bolt on inside the trailer. I bought a water pump... pressure activated on / off. which I still have to hook up to the battery.
I'm still debating on getting and shower tent since the shower is really just to rinse off...
please let me know if there is anything specific info or pictures you want me to post close ups on.


Overland Explorer

Thanks. Not the Galleria though, usually too crowded there for a car show/cruise night. That was the Eastern Hills Mall.


Just back from a "shakeout" trip with new Little Guy SilverShadow/RoughRider hybrid -- trip was just a couple of days - too short - but I do love this little trailer!! I think it will get me where I want to go and keep me warm and dry doing it!! NEVER imagined how different this would be from tenti camping - sounds silly I know!! There will be more pics but wanted to post this up -- it is my favorite - for now!!

Thanks for all for your help and great ideas in this forum!!!

View attachment 172342

We have just a rough rider going on three years now and LOVE IT. About 1/3-1/2 of gas station stops take about 15 minutes longer than needed because people are very curious and want a tour. Though the family has grown a l am thinking of a RTT to add to the Rough Rider.

Cant wait to see more pic's!


Expedition Trailer Porn!








The full story on my expedition to Utah is here:


New member
Just bought it. new to the forum I still have to get the RTT. Waiting on the ARB fridge and roof rack to hurry and get here!

Its a custom built trailer. I bought it from a guy in California and just got it back to Wy. Can't wait to use it once I have it outfitted


New member
Honestly, It may be new white Rubicon to match trailer , and I shall get more more ASAP It is very well built!
the gentleman I bought it from was going to market them but folded, has a good display of the trailer
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Expedition Leader
You're a good guy with great advice. Please don't keep your opinions to yourself. But when your last 3 comments on people's rigs are all about matching paint, it just gets a tad redundant.

Mark has the right to express his opinion, as far as the picture that I posted, I did not post because of the matching paint; if you look close enough to the picture you will find something interesting on the upper center !:Wow1:


Expedition Leader
Mark has the right to express his opinion, as far as the picture that I posted, I did not post because of the matching paint; if you look close enough to the picture you will find something interesting on the upper center !:Wow1:
I had noticed that what looks like 2 faces in the rock formation. I usually don't mention stuff like that since different people see different things, but I do think that one is fairly distinct. bD

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