Just bought a 2001 Discovery 2 last weekend. I had one back in high school and loved it; unfortunetly it became a victim of the prop shaft breaking loose and tearin the trans up.\
Both good looking trucks. I hope you learned from your mistake on the first one and have a greasable front prop joints on this one.
And I just realized I haven't posted anything of mine on here:
'02 D2 on the left and a rust bucket '98 D1 on the right with a set of 2" TerraFirma springs (and shocks). The one on the right was bought for $500 as a parts truck. To my surprise the reason it didn't run was that some service station mechanic had replaced the starter with a bad out of the box unit and also had not attached the engine ground. 30 minuts after it was towed to my house I had it running (poorly) and have since put head gaskets and a fresh set of heads on it, the spring and shocks already mentioned and a bunch of other minor things. It's ugly, it leaks various things all over the place and I'm about $1400 into it in total but it runs fine (now) and suits the purposes of a rig to get to hunting and camping spots as well as pulling a trailer and bad weather duty. I can't complain.
The D2 is totally stock and pretty much pristine and carts the wife and kids around. She doesn't like the "boxy new ones" so I just keep that one going for her.
Yes, it's just a goofy looking as it seems to have two seemingly identical (to the uninitiated) white vehicles in the driveway. But I can't argue with the price.